Running simulation with options, error in simout=sim​(agent,env​,opts);

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Irfan Ahmed
Irfan Ahmed le 29 Jan 2022
Réponse apportée : Vandit le 6 Fév 2024
  7 commentaires
Irfan Ahmed
Irfan Ahmed le 12 Fév 2022
Thank you for your response. But in my opnion that this problem should resolved by the Mathworks, not by a person taking this course. Am I right?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 12 Fév 2022
Okay, then, since I do not work for Mathworks, I will not attempt to solve it.

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Réponses (1)

Vandit le 6 Fév 2024
Hello Irfan,
Please try out the following methods to resolve your issue:
(1) Refresh browser cache. For instructions for refreshing browser cache for different Web Browsers, please refer to the following MATLAB Answers post:
(2) Try a different browser. This issue has been reported in strong correlation with Chrome and Edge. Please try another (non-Chromium based) browser like Firefox or Safari.
(3) Check that your system settings meet the browser requirements of the self-paced training. For the browser requirements for online courses, please refer to the Browser Requirements page:
(4) Switch to another network. If you were taking the course using your home network, try using the campus/company network (and vice versa) or use VPN.
(5) Check your firewall settings and security policy with the help of your IT team. Make sure that post request to our URL aren't blocked.
(6) Make sure that your approach can run efficiently and that outputs are not too large. Note that the assessment times out after a certain amount of time. If an approach takes more time than the assessment time, then an error would be generated. It has also been reported that large outputs can cause issues during submission.
(7) If you still encounter the error prompt, try to click on "Wait" instead of "Try again". Then, navigate to some other content. Finally, navigate back to the same content. This would usually load up the content that one wasn't previously able to load up.
Hope this helps.


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