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Why can't I generate a sphere with a material?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
WEN SHIN LU le 30 Jan 2022
Modifié(e) : DGM le 30 Jan 2022
The following is my code. I intended to generate a sphere with a material shiny but I could't make it. Can anyone to tell me what lines I need to put in or modify?
Thank you.
[X,Y,Z]= sphere;
x2 = X.*50;
y2 = Y.*50;
z2 = Z.*50;
h = surf(x2,y2,z2);
material shiny;
axis vis3d off
This is what I want. Shiny. But I can't make it.
sphere(50); shading flat;
light('Position',[1 3 2]);
light('Position',[-3 -1 3]);
material shiny;
axis vis3d off;

Réponse acceptée

DGM le 30 Jan 2022
Modifié(e) : DGM le 30 Jan 2022
Set up the lights.
[X,Y,Z]= sphere(20);
x2 = X.*50;
y2 = Y.*50;
z2 = Z.*50;
h = surf(x2,y2,z2);
light('Position',[1 3 2]);
light('Position',[-3 -1 3]);
material shiny;
axis vis3d off
FWIW, the default material is pretty shiny already, but you can always tweak the constants individually if you want.

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