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Does anyone know how can finding angle in an ellipse

4 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Abo le 25 Nov 2014
Commenté : Image Analyst le 28 Nov 2014
The left ellipse is an fitted ellipse to an object in time (t) and right one is in t+1. I mean after 1 minute the object (fitted ellipse) was rotated about alpha degree. how can I find (α) in the rotated ellipse (right one)?
  4 commentaires
Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 27 Nov 2014
Modifié(e) : Image Analyst le 27 Nov 2014
That doesn't answer my question. What kind of data are you starting with. If you use the "whos" function on your variables, what does it say? Is it a rows-by-column 2 or 3 D array (an image), or is it a N-by-2 array (a list of x,y coordinates)? Please read this http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/6200-tutorial-how-to-ask-a-question-on-answers-and-get-a-fast-answer
Abo le 28 Nov 2014
sorry Image Analyst, I've used this method: http://blogs.mathworks.com/steve/2010/07/30/visualizing-regionprops-ellipse-measurements/ for ellipse fitting and I have a list of x,y coordinates for (2D image).

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Réponse acceptée

Guillaume le 28 Nov 2014
Modifié(e) : Guillaume le 28 Nov 2014
Since you're using regionprops to fit your ellipses, and one of the properties returned by regionprop is the ellipse orientation, why can't you just subtract the angles of your two ellipses?
  1 commentaire
Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 28 Nov 2014
Exactly what I was going to suggest (now that he clarified what he was doing).

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