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How to fit multiple distribution on a histogram without normalizing the histogram?

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
I have to put normal, lognormal and weibull distribution over a histogram of the dataset but once I achieve the 3 plots my Ylimit chnages. So please help me in getting those distribution over the histogram without its Ylimit being altered. Thank you

Réponse acceptée

Jeff Miller
Jeff Miller le 7 Fév 2022
Probably simplest just to plot everything and then use ylim to reset the Y axis limits at the end to whatever you want, something like
ylim([0 1]); % set lower & upper limits to specified values
  2 commentaires
Pawan Kumar
Pawan Kumar le 9 Fév 2022
Thanks for your response. I tried doing this but this is only resulting in my histogram getting smaller nearly touching the xaxis.
Jeff Miller
Jeff Miller le 9 Fév 2022
Hard to say exactly what is wrong without seeing your data and code. You should be using 'normalization','pdf' in the histogram command to make it comparable to the pdf's of the plotted distribution, so this could be the problem if you are using some other normalization.

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