Effacer les filtres
Effacer les filtres

Currently I am trying to convolve an image with a Gaussian function and am getting a white screen.

29 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
When I am trying to get the convolution I am getting blank screen. The code I have for this is given by:
p = imread('barphantom.png');
gp = rgb2gray(p)
figure, imshow(p) %shows the image
n = 1132;
m = 755;
sigma = 5
h = zeros(n,m);
for x=1:n
for y=1:m
h(x,y) = exp(-((x-n/2)^2+(y-m/2)^2)/(2*sigma^2));
figure, imshow(h) % shows the gaussian figure
k = conv2(gp, h,'same')
figure, imshow(k)

Réponse acceptée

DGM le 15 Fév 2022
Modifié(e) : DGM le 15 Fév 2022
Sum-normalize the filter kernel
gp = imread('cameraman.tif');
n = 1132;
m = 755;
sigma = 5;
h = zeros(n,m);
for x=1:n
for y=1:m
h(x,y) = exp(-((x-n/2)^2+(y-m/2)^2)/(2*sigma^2));
h = h/sum(h(:)); % normalize the filter
%imshow(h) % shows the gaussian figure
k = conv2(im2double(gp), h,'same');
Your filter also is wayyyy bigger than it needs to be. That only slows down the convolution. Depending on how much support you want, you can make it quite small. For comparison, imgaussfilt() creates the filter such that its width and height are 2*ceil(2*sigma)+1. You might want more support, so pick 2*ceil(3*sigma)+1 or 2*ceil(4*sigma)+1.

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