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Error when running run section

10 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Maria Lazzaroni
Maria Lazzaroni le 21 Fév 2022
Commenté : Rik le 21 Oct 2022
I get this error when I run: "run section" from the editor tab
Error using builtin
Must be a text scalar.
Error in matlab.internal.editor.eval.TempFolder/get.CurrentFolder
Error in matlab.internal.editor.eval.TempFolder/getFolderOnPath
Error in matlab.internal.editor.eval.TmpFilePath.get
Error in matlab.internal.editor.evaluateCode
However, if I run the code in that section using "Evaluate selection" it works fine.
Thank you

Réponse acceptée

Sulaymon Eshkabilov
Sulaymon Eshkabilov le 21 Fév 2022
In general, executing the cell modes of scripts is more sensitive on syntax errors made in other sections sections of the code. Executing the selected section of the code doesn't encount the rest of the code.
From your prompted errors, it looks like that you have some errs in other sections of your script. Scan your code and you will see red highlights on the left sidebar of the editor.
  5 commentaires
Alexander Smith
Alexander Smith le 5 Sep 2022
is matlab addressing/fixing this issue? syntax errors in other sections should not affect the ability to execute code in given section.
Rik le 21 Oct 2022
Comment posted as flag by Sascha Senck:
Run sections: Important issue for usability & debugging

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