Within a function : get complete command-line calling text, a la dbstack()..?
11 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
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Bradley Stiritz
le 25 Sep 2011
Commenté : Matthew
le 15 Déc 2017
Hi everyone,
I understand how to use dbstack(), within a saved M-function, to get the complete text of the command which called the current function. For example, if we have two M-files, A.m & B.m, where A() calls (B):
FILE 'A.m'
function output = A(input)
output = B(input);
FILE 'B.m'
function output = B(input)
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% What line of text called this function..?
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% Get call-stack info:
stDebug = dbstack;
% We know a-priori that this function's caller info is in (stDebug)(2)
% Get caller file name & line number of code which called this function:
callerFileName = stDebug(2).file;
callerLineNumber = stDebug(2).line;
% Open caller file:
fCaller = fopen(callerFileName);
% Iterate through lines to get to desired line number:
for iLine = 1 : callerLineNumber
% Read current line of text:
currLine = fgetl(fCaller);
% (currLine) now reflects calling desired code: display this code:
fprintf('Complete text of calling code is : ''%s''\n',currLine);
% Close caller file:
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% Determine function output
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% Arbitrary operation just for demonstration:
output = input + 5;
If we call A() from the command-line, we get:
>> A(10)
Complete text of calling code is : 'output = B(input);'
ans = 15
However, if we call B() directly from the command-line, we get an error, b/c there is no 2nd element in the dbstack() output. In other words, for this case dbstack() output is a single-element structure containing info for the local function B() context only:
>> B(10)
Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Error in B (line 12)
callerFileName = stDebug(2).file;
My problem : I need a way to programmatically get the complete literal calling text, within function B(), no matter whether the caller is another M-file or the command-line.
I thought of looking in the MATLAB diary file, but apparently it's not guaranteed the last line of the diary text file will reflect the currently-executing command-line command at any given point in the executing call stack..
Any suggestions greatly appreciated!
Thanks, Brad
1 commentaire
le 15 Déc 2017
This isn't an answer to the question as it won't work for command line calls, but its worth noting that there are ways to get a calling line without scanning the file the calling line is in.
A pretty simple way is to create an error, and then use the getReport function on the MatlabException object.
catch ME
callStackDetails = getReport(ME);
callLine = regexp(callStackDetails,'(?<=Error in [^\n]*\n)[^\n]*','match','once');
callLine = strtrim(callLine);
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Plus de réponses (2)
le 25 Sep 2011
Sorry for this not being an direct answer:
There are very likely cleaner methods than parsing the contents of the calling line. The input can be a function, which has side-effects such that a textual pasing will not be successful. This method will fail if called from a Mex function or a P-coded fail also.
Reading the program text of the caller is another variant of the old EVAL problems. Therefore I strongly recommend to find a more direct solution, which si safer, cleaner and is less prone to errors.
7 commentaires
le 29 Sep 2011
@Brad: "Can you think of any software which asks the user to enter the same information twice, but does not validate the entries against each other?" Yes, Windows UAC. And I agree that it is a good idea not to compete with it.
And I agree, that my answer does *not* solve your problem.
Daniel Shub
le 25 Sep 2011
I think you always want the last function on the stack:
callerFileName = stDebug(end).file;
callerLineNumber = stDebug(end).line;
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