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How to fit an exponential curve for every column in a matrix?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
parslee le 17 Mar 2022
Commenté : parslee le 17 Mar 2022
I have a matrix of 257x36 and each column represents a different data set.
I need to apply an exponential fit to each column and also store the fit values.
How can I go about doing this?
  2 commentaires
Torsten le 17 Mar 2022
And what are the corresponding x-values to the y-values in the columns ?
parslee le 17 Mar 2022
x is 1 to 257 for all of them

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David Hill
David Hill le 17 Mar 2022
for k=1:36
  5 commentaires
Torsten le 17 Mar 2022
Modifié(e) : Torsten le 17 Mar 2022
for k=1:36
B{k} = fit((1:257)',A(:,k),'exp1');
coeffs = coeffvalues(B{k});
Ahat(:,k) = coeffs(1)*exp(coeffs(2)*(1:257).');
parslee le 17 Mar 2022
Thank you!!

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