Convert to Mercator projection?

11 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Ryan le 2 Jan 2015
Réponse apportée : Ryan le 12 Jan 2015
Attached I have a map... is there an easy way to make this projection Mercator? I am still a novice when it comes to mapping so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Oh and while we're at it, I must plot point on this map... but this code: "plotm(41,-103,'r','MarkerSize',20)" only makes an extremely small dot... despite adjusting MarkerSize..
Again, any assistance on both problems would be greatly appreciated!
worldmap([30 50],[-110 -70]);
geoshow('Shapefiles/cb_2013_us_county_5m.shp', 'FaceColor', [.5 .5 1]);

Réponse acceptée

Chad Greene
Chad Greene le 2 Jan 2015
Converting projections after plotting doesn't usually work. To initialize a mercator map with those lat/lon limits, try this:
axesm('mercator','maplatlimit',[30 50],'maplonlimit',[-110 -70])
  1 commentaire
Chad Greene
Chad Greene le 2 Jan 2015
Modifié(e) : Chad Greene le 2 Jan 2015
A workaround for the marker size issue, is you can specify a circle of given radius in kilometers or any other unit with circlem. Here's a red circle of 100 km radius.
axesm('mercator','maplatlimit',[30 50],'maplonlimit',[-110 -70])

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Plus de réponses (1)

Ryan le 12 Jan 2015
Hello again Chad! Thank you for this. I ended up using "scatterm" which seemed sufficient for the image I wanted to generate. Thanks also for the tip on establishing map projection.


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