How do I convert my cell array into a cell array of doubles?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
lil brain
lil brain le 13 Avr 2022
Réponse apportée : Voss le 13 Avr 2022
I have a cell array of cells (see attachment) and need to covert each of the cells into numeric arrays for further processing.
How can I do that in one go?

Réponse acceptée

Voss le 13 Avr 2022
S = load('pre_data_1.mat')
S = struct with fields:
pre_data1: {2×1 cell}
ans = 2×1 cell array
{13757×21 cell} {13150×21 cell}
S.pre_data1 = cellfun(@cell2mat,S.pre_data1,'UniformOutput',false);
ans = 2×1 cell array
{13757×21 double} {13150×21 double}

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