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Animate 2D line object

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Javier Vicente
Javier Vicente le 20 Jan 2015
Commenté : Javier Vicente le 20 Jan 2015
I'm trying to animate a line object, which should traslate sinusoidally in the vertical axis and rotate sinusoidally with respect to a point of the same line both at the same time.
Thanks in advance for your attention.
Edit: Maybe I've been too brief. I'm trying to plot it in a GUI's axes. The thing is that with rotate and traslate commands I can't make it describe the movement I want, because the rotation center is moving as well (it belongs to the line). It should be inside a while (so that it moves until user pushes stop button), so I guess that inside rotate and translate should be a function, as well as for the origin or rotation center. I hope this clarifies the question.

Réponse acceptée

Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 20 Jan 2015
See the animatedline() function. From the help:
h = animatedline creates an animated line that has no data and adds it to the current axes. Add points to the line in a loop to create a line animation. For more information, see Using animatedline Objects.
I've also attached a demo of making a movie from a plot/graph that you create.
  1 commentaire
Javier Vicente
Javier Vicente le 20 Jan 2015
Seems useful! I'll work on it.

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Plus de réponses (1)

Chad Greene
Chad Greene le 20 Jan 2015
To make an avi, try the videoWriter function. To make a gif, look at this.


En savoir plus sur Animation dans Help Center et File Exchange

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