Effacer les filtres
Effacer les filtres

Create an array in workspace from multiple files

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Chalisa Mawla
Chalisa Mawla le 8 Mai 2022
Commenté : Chalisa Mawla le 9 Mai 2022
,filenames={'kx 10.txt','kx 20.txt','kx 30.txt'}
for i=1:numel(filenames)
t_data(:,i) = lum.y0
Each file contains two columns of data, the first column is the range of frequency (same for every file) and the second column is the corresponding data (transmission). How can I create a block in the workspace to compile all the transmission data? (lum.x0 and lum.y0 is from the previous code. lum.y0 compiles all transmission data)
I wanted to make a colormap to represent different transmission data over the same range of frequency for all kx values (from file 0 to file 500). How can I proceed from here? Thank you.
%making the plot
angle = linspace(0,0.5,51);
wav_leng = lum.x0.';
imagesc(angle,wav_leng,t_data); colormap turbo; axis xy;
ylabel('Freqency (THz)')
  5 commentaires
KSSV le 9 Mai 2022
Your question is not quiet clear. You have two data points from the text files and third one you are defining on your own. How to link the third one with the existing data?
Chalisa Mawla
Chalisa Mawla le 9 Mai 2022
Sorry for the confusion. The third one is the kx value, the kx0.txt means those data is recorded for kx=0, kx10.txt records data at kx=0.1 etc.

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Chunru le 9 Mai 2022
unzip("kx values.zip");
filenames = dir('*.txt');
filenames = sort({filenames.name}');
nfiles = length(filenames);
nfiles = 36; % other files have different rows of data; check it out
kx = zeros(nfiles, 1);
for i=1:nfiles
x = readtable(filenames{i});
np = size(x, 1);
var = strrep(filenames{i}, " ", "");
var = strrep(var, ".txt", "");
kx(i) = sscanf(var, 'kx%d');
x.Properties.VariableNames = ["freq", var];
if i == 1
y = x;
y = [y x(:, end)];
ans = 8×37 table
freq kx0 kx10 kx20 kx30 kx40 kx50 kx60 kx70 kx80 kx90 kx100 kx110 kx120 kx130 kx140 kx150 kx160 kx170 kx180 kx190 kx200 kx210 kx220 kx230 kx240 kx250 kx260 kx270 kx280 kx290 kx300 kx310 kx320 kx330 kx340 kx350 __________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 7.4948e+14 0.80895 0.81085 0.80982 0.81134 0.81316 0.81595 0.81877 0.82081 0.8224 0.82157 0.8205 0.81796 0.8158 0.81291 0.81076 0.80748 0.80416 0.79888 0.79337 0.7879 0.78405 0.78337 0.78387 0.79341 0.81287 0.808 0.77626 0.76049 0.75479 0.75756 0.80729 0.77293 0.74945 0.73787 0.72801 0.72061 7.3932e+14 0.83253 0.83291 0.83239 0.83491 0.83691 0.83848 0.83906 0.838 0.83753 0.83585 0.83547 0.83486 0.83508 0.83422 0.83444 0.83505 0.83793 0.84582 0.86047 0.85047 0.82543 0.81747 0.81014 0.80544 0.80195 0.79893 0.793 0.79366 0.79107 0.78894 0.78922 0.7916 0.81214 0.82683 0.80019 0.7815 7.2942e+14 0.85617 0.85378 0.85581 0.85713 0.85853 0.85861 0.85814 0.85767 0.8577 0.8603 0.86445 0.8728 0.88519 0.8855 0.87121 0.86268 0.85671 0.85471 0.8533 0.85278 0.85228 0.84881 0.84687 0.84294 0.84148 0.83848 0.83534 0.83541 0.83444 0.83078 0.82761 0.82495 0.82485 0.82665 0.84273 0.87904 7.1979e+14 0.86695 0.86962 0.86848 0.86725 0.86741 0.87264 0.88943 0.90643 0.90445 0.8985 0.89368 0.88923 0.88632 0.88515 0.88534 0.88499 0.88565 0.88438 0.88293 0.88012 0.87748 0.87647 0.87507 0.87426 0.87163 0.86893 0.86943 0.862 0.85686 0.85641 0.85466 0.85531 0.85487 0.85592 0.85454 0.85297 7.1041e+14 0.94431 0.93542 0.92305 0.91414 0.90993 0.90624 0.90389 0.90101 0.89939 0.89954 0.89978 0.90121 0.90213 0.90217 0.90057 0.89949 0.8973 0.89608 0.89546 0.89481 0.89416 0.89149 0.88839 0.88592 0.88405 0.88088 0.87605 0.8769 0.87692 0.87123 0.8669 0.86043 0.85422 0.84904 0.8227 0.74535 7.0127e+14 0.93387 0.93628 0.93634 0.93693 0.93423 0.91555 0.88366 0.87773 0.88566 0.89067 0.89462 0.89658 0.89811 0.89804 0.89899 0.89908 0.89891 0.89842 0.89624 0.89434 0.89239 0.89001 0.88784 0.8846 0.87838 0.87806 0.87148 0.86901 0.86429 0.85842 0.85151 0.7767 0.56929 0.7346 0.81674 0.83319 6.9236e+14 0.92983 0.9316 0.93186 0.93025 0.92916 0.92979 0.93131 0.93397 0.93518 0.93126 0.90865 0.85871 0.84857 0.86221 0.87319 0.87883 0.88201 0.88348 0.88232 0.881 0.87861 0.87564 0.8759 0.87118 0.86434 0.86209 0.86092 0.83754 0.68444 0.78146 0.83535 0.84891 0.85767 0.86369 0.86471 0.85948 6.8368e+14 0.93019 0.92935 0.93032 0.92929 0.92851 0.92756 0.92619 0.92553 0.92371 0.92264 0.92197 0.92107 0.91919 0.91682 0.90824 0.8746 0.81041 0.81498 0.83476 0.84729 0.85109 0.85012 0.85551 0.84812 0.82568 0.71962 0.84859 0.85971 0.84971 0.84192 0.83024 0.82502 0.8283 0.84975 0.67779 0.78826
imagesc(kx, y.freq, y{:, 2:end});
  1 commentaire
Chalisa Mawla
Chalisa Mawla le 9 Mai 2022
Epic! This looks exactly like the band structure that my prof asked me to do.

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