How to read in several 16-bit images and store their filenames?

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Happy PhD
Happy PhD le 12 Mai 2022
I have a set of images in a folder that is16-bit and I want to load them into matlab, maybe into an array, to do some calculations with them. The images should be mono (gray). Their filename have a number, for example "145p56". How do I read in their respective filenames associaited with the images.
Many thanks!

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Happy PhD
Happy PhD le 13 Mai 2022

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Tala le 12 Mai 2022
Modifié(e) : Tala le 12 Mai 2022
Depending on how your filenames, you can alter this code. The current code assumes your images are 145p56, 145p57, 145p58...
for i=56:n % number of your images
FileName=strcat('145p',num2str(i),'.png'); % or tif or any other format you have
I1=% process your image here
imwrite(I1,['processed',int2str(i), '.png']);% or tif or any other format you want
  1 commentaire
Happy PhD
Happy PhD le 13 Mai 2022
Modifié(e) : Happy PhD le 13 Mai 2022
Thanks, but this requires the first numbers to start with "145p", which is not always given.

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