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For some reason, these two arguments are not equal...

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
LUCA GIROTTI le 15 Mai 2022
Commenté : Jan le 15 Mai 2022
Hey everyone,
I do have a bit of a weird issue right now. I am currently on a project and I have got these arguments:
L0 = - (50*x^3)/21 + (50*x^2)/7 - (269*x)/42 + 11/7 and the L0 from the "Solutions" which is actually : -1/0.42*(x^3-3*x^2+2.69*x-0.66)
These two equations are perfeclty equals, in fact whenever I apply the function "isequal", it gives me as an outcome 1.
However whenever I try to multiply both of them with a value y0 (which is 1.6094) they are completely different and totally not equal. My question now is how ???? And also, is there perhaps a way in Matlab to make my L0 look like the L0 from the actualy solution?
Thanks in advance !
  5 commentaires
dpb le 15 Mai 2022
Have to show us the exact code that gives an unexpected result -- they evaluate to the same numerically within machine precision if write a function as
where L0 and LS are anonymous functions of the two expressions above.
Multiplying either by a constant will again produce the same difference times that constant.
It's possible you made a typo in one place, perhaps??? When first cut 'n pasted the above text to build the comparison function, somehow a "-" got inserted in one of the expressions extraneously instead of the "*" which did produce bizarre results until I finally saw the mistake. Anything like that possibly the problem there, maybe???
Jan le 15 Mai 2022
@LUCA GIROTTI: Please post the code, which reproduces your observation. Then we can search for the difference.
"they are completely different and totally not equal." - Luckily they are not just a little bit not equal ;-)

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