How to plot 3D vectors on a 2D plot?

6 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Loren99 le 24 Mai 2022
Modifié(e) : Loren99 le 25 Mai 2022
Hi everyone! I need to create a 2D plot where the elements that are at z = 1 must be at the same level of the elements at x and y but these elements along z must be highlighted against the background on x and y in order to be distinguished. How can I do it?
  1 commentaire
Star Strider
Star Strider le 24 Mai 2022
Where are the data?
Uz = unzip('');
Uz2 = [num2cell((1:numel(Uz))') Uz']
Uz2 = 120×2 cell array
{[ 1]} {'Prova_test/codice_opcode.asv' } {[ 2]} {'Prova_test/codice_opcode.m' } {[ 3]} {'Prova_test/Scenari/' } {[ 4]} {'Prova_test/Scenari/Nuovascena.stl' } {[ 5]} {'Prova_test/Subfunctions/' } {[ 6]} {'Prova_test/Subfunctions/matlab/' } {[ 7]} {'Prova_test/Subfunctions/matlab/deer.ply' } {[ 8]} {'Prova_test/Subfunctions/matlab/opcodemesh.m' } {[ 9]} {'Prova_test/Subfunctions/matlab/opcodemeshdemo.m' } {[10]} {'Prova_test/Subfunctions/matlab/opcodemeshmex.mexw64'} {[11]} {'Prova_test/Subfunctions/matlab/read_ply2.m' } {[12]} {'Prova_test/Subfunctions/opcode/' } {[13]} {'Prova_test/Subfunctions/opcode/CMakeLists.txt' } {[14]} {'Prova_test/Subfunctions/opcode/Ice/' } {[15]} {'Prova_test/Subfunctions/opcode/Ice/IceAABB.cpp' } {[16]} {'Prova_test/Subfunctions/opcode/Ice/IceAABB.h' }

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Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre le 24 Mai 2022
The solution likely varies depending on your data, but I would probably first look into using imagesc:
This way, the difference in Z is captured in the color displayed in the figure.
  6 commentaires
Loren99 le 24 Mai 2022
@Cris LaPierre thank you very much for both the methods! Just a curiosity. In gscatter, is there a way to not plot the legend as well? because I need the clean image
Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre le 24 Mai 2022
Modifié(e) : Cris LaPierre le 24 Mai 2022
Yes. Use this syntax, where doleg is either 'on' or 'off'.
You can't skip an input, so your code might look like this (empty brackets uses the default value)
You can explore these and other optional inputs in the linked documentation page.

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