
Star Strider

Last seen: Today Actif depuis 2012

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Hic sunt dracones! PROFESSIONAL: Physician (M.D.): Diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine; M.Sc. Biomedical Engineering: Instrumentation, Signal Processing, Control, System Identification, Parameter Estimation NON-PROFESSIONAL: Amateur Extra Class Amateur Radio Operator; Private Pilot, Airplane Single Engine Land, Instrument Rating Airplane; Gamer NOTE: I do not respond to emails or personal messages, unless they are about my File Exchange contributions. Time Zone: UTC-7 (Standard); UTC-6 (Daylight Savings/Summer)


  • Scavenger Finisher
  • Most Accepted 2024
  • Most Accepted 2023
  • Solver
  • Personal Best Downloads Level 2
  • 5-Star Galaxy Level 3
  • Most Accepted 2022
  • Most Accepted 2021
  • Revival Level 3
  • First Submission
  • Grand Master
  • 36 Month Streak

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Réponse apportée
Can I set a datetime locale for readtable in a script?
Note that "dd/MM/yyyy :hh:mm:ss" uses 12-hour format (using hh for the hours) without the AM/PM indicator. To use 24-hour forma...

environ 13 heures il y a | 0

| A accepté

Réponse apportée
Image Processing Toolbox not found despite being installed
Run these from a script or your Command Wiindow: restoredefaultpath rehash toolboxcache If that still does not solve tthe p...

environ 18 heures il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
3d lines plot
Peerhaps something like this — t = linspace(0, 1).'; x = sin(2*pi*t); y = cos(2*pi*t); z = x+y; figure plot3(x, y, z) ...

environ 18 heures il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
Potential flow past an airfoil
Check the File Exchange. When I did and searched on ‘airfoil’, I found: Plot Pressure Distribution (Cp) Over an Airfoil / Aer...

1 jour il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
Forcing robustfit to return an intercept
Note that ‘Y’ is single precision. MATLAB defaults to the lowest precision, so casting it as double produces a non-zero interce...

1 jour il y a | 0

| A accepté

Réponse apportée
How can I extract specific weather data from a 3D grid?
Without even representative data, I’m not certain even how to simulate this. I would use the scatteredInterpolant function fi...

3 jours il y a | 1

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Réponse apportée
ODE time vector plot does not correspond to the time vector values
We don’t have your ‘ode_arm’ function, however it may be that ode23 is encountering a singularity () at about 0.9 time units, an...

3 jours il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
Alternative to ginput for finding curve intersections with unevenly spaced data in MATLAB
Another approach — x = [linspace(0, 2.4) linspace(5.2, 7, 8)].'*1E-3; y1 = [x(x<=2.4E-3)*580/2.4E-3; 500*ones(size(x(x>2.5E...

5 jours il y a | 1

Réponse apportée
Plot: Dots won't go higher than y=0
If you add: set(gca, 'YScale','log', 'YLim',[10 1E+8]) you will see that the green dots plot appropriately. The y-axis limit...

5 jours il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
Extracting number after a string in header of CSV file
One approach — C1 = readcell('DummyData.txt') str = {'Memory Length','Horizontal Scale','Sampling Period'}'; idx = cellfun(@...

6 jours il y a | 0

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Réponse apportée
Plot the function on graph
Consiider fplot. I have n o idea what ‘forina’ refers to, however the rest is straightforward — b = 2; y = @(x) sqrt(9*x +...

6 jours il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
Load data into the "System Identification Toolbox"
Since you have time-domain data, use the iddata function to prepare it for the identification function of your choice. (I prefe...

6 jours il y a | 0

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Réponse apportée
Extracting Zoomed in part of curve and finding rising Edges of data
Depending on the result you want, it might be easier to use islocalmax for this — T1 = readtable('DS0007_REDUCED.CSV') t = ...

8 jours il y a | 0

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Réponse apportée
How to print array value and it's undex?
It would be necessary to print the indices as well — data(6500:6503,:) = [100 105 10...

10 jours il y a | 0

| A accepté

Réponse apportée
How to make color axis ticklabes with two end limits ([cmin cmax]) only?
One problem may be that your clim call (at least as posted) needs parentheses. This call to clim: cl = clim; should retur...

10 jours il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
Horizontal Freestream Flow Issues With Symbolic Math Toolbox
The ‘ZData’ matrix from the symbolic code appear to be transposed with respect to ‘psi_vals_fs’. This is likely due to the assu...

13 jours il y a | 0

| A accepté

Réponse apportée
Help with making an Ellipse Area function
The only error I can see is that you need to assign something to the ‘area’ variable in your ‘EllipseArea’ function. I assign...

13 jours il y a | 1

Réponse apportée
I'm trying to plot a mat file with a 1x1 structure, but it's giving the error that "Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds. Index must not exceed 1."
When you load into a variable, that creates a structure. The information you want will then be in that structure. data1 = lo...

13 jours il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
automating many column headings in table
Perhaps something like this — A = randn(5,10); T1 = array2table(A, VariableNames=compose('physical state at step %4d',1:size(...

13 jours il y a | 0

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Réponse apportée
Finding specific peaks and valleys
To find specific valleys, one option might be to use the MinPeakProminence value. The prominences are the tthird output returne...

13 jours il y a | 0

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Réponse apportée
How can I plot multiple figures in one from multiple saved .fig files that have 2 figures but I only want 1 of them?
It would help to have at least one of the .fig files to work with. In general, use the openfig function to open each file. T...

14 jours il y a | 0

| A accepté

Réponse apportée
How do i calculate the standard deviation from multiple csv files where i would like the standard deviation for each second?
Perhaps this — Time = datetime('now')+seconds(0:2).'; Time.Format = 'H:mm:ss'; Temperature = [20.754 19.219 19.338 20.89; 20...

14 jours il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
Convert Set of (x,y) Coordinates Into Polygon
Try this — LD = load('coordinates.mat') coordinates = LD.coords; shp = alphaShape(coordinates(:,1),coordinates(:,2),'HoleT...

14 jours il y a | 2

Réponse apportée
Compare two irregularly sampled, noisy sinusoidal signals
Use the nufft function for irregularly-sampled data. Beyond that, ‘similarity’ is a somewhat amorphous concept. I did a line...

14 jours il y a | 1

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Réponse apportée
Multiple regression with nonlinear variables
I am not certain what you want to do. Fitting a generalized additive model (GAM) for regression using the fitrgam function wo...

15 jours il y a | 1

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Réponse apportée
Converting timestamp from TDMS LabView
I did not see the .mat file before, although I did look for it. Try this — LD = load('timestamp.mat') format long timesta...

15 jours il y a | 0

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Réponse apportée
Variables from CSV column read incorrectly
I cannot reproduce that. Everything in your code seems to work correctly, and there are no NaN values (when run in R2024b). ...

16 jours il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
Extracting Data from Table
It would help to have your data. Lacking it, consider doing something like this — T1 = table(reshape(repmat((1:5),5,1),[],1...

17 jours il y a | 0

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Réponse apportée
display ‰ symbol in xlabel with latex interpreter
I think it’s hanging up on the ‘\textperthousand’ call. When I searched online, that and ‘permille’ are not generally supported...

17 jours il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
I am calling outside functions for this code, but when I am getting an error saying I have too many output arguments. I think the error is within my function LandingDistance
The reason is that ‘LandingDistance’ doesn’t return any outputs: function LandingDistance(d1, d2, v0, thetaL) You probably wa...

17 jours il y a | 0

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