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For Loop How to use previous calculated value in next iteration

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Iris Willaert
Iris Willaert le 14 Juin 2022
Commenté : Iris Willaert le 20 Juin 2022
I'm new to matlab and I want to create a loop where I re use the previous calculate value in the next iterations.
This is what I have right now but I have up until thirtyPerc so instead of writing it out I would like to create a for loop instead.
StartTime = Time(1,1);
OnePerc = StartTime + (PercentageTimeLeft * 10);
twoPerc = OnePerc + (PercentageTimeLeft * 10);
threePerc = twoPerc + (PercentageTimeLeft * 10);
PercentageIntervalTimes = [OnePerc,twoPerc,threePerc];
This is what I tried to do:
PercentageIntervalTimes = [];
OnePerc = StartTime + (PercentageTimeLeft * 10);
for i = 1:length(Time)
PercentageIntervalTimes = OnePerc (i +1 ) + (PercentageTimeLeft * 10);
Any help is very much appreciated!

Réponse acceptée

Torsten le 14 Juin 2022
PercentageIntervalTimes = StartTime + (1:length(Time))*(PercentageTimeLeft * 10);
No loop needed.

Plus de réponses (1)

Ganesh le 14 Juin 2022
This is something that you can do.
PercentageIntervalTimes = zeros(length(Time));
PercentageIntervalTimes(1) = StartTime + (PercentageTimeLeft * 10);
for i = 2:length(Time)
PercentageIntervalTimes(i) = PercentageIntervalTimes(i-1) + (PercentageTimeLeft * 10);
Kindly ensure that Time is an array-like data type.


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