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"brake" not working in Matlab 2021b - is there a fix or work around?

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
William Farrell
William Farrell le 20 Juin 2022
Commenté : William Farrell le 20 Juin 2022
Here is the block of code:
while (times(index) <= stime)
index = index + 1;
if index > x
index = 1;
if (times(index) > stime)
tt(index) = times(index);
qq1(index) = qip1(index);
qq2(index) = qip2(index);
qq3(index) = qip3(index);
qq4(index) = qip4(index);
YY(index) = OGA(index);
ZZ(index) = IGA(index);
Obviously I'm reading a file and loading quantities into variables and I don't want to read the file past a time named "stime". When (times(index) <= stime) is true and the execution hits "break" I get the following error and Matlab stops:
"Unrecognized function or variable 'brake'.
Error in rdtraj (line 70)
But "brake" is in the documentation with the following example:
limit = 0.8;
s = 0;
while 1
tmp = rand;
if tmp > limit
s = s + tmp;
Thank you.

Réponses (2)

Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes le 20 Juin 2022
@William Farrell - the keyword is break not "brake".

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang le 20 Juin 2022
"break", not "brake"
  3 commentaires
Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang le 20 Juin 2022
a little bit more head spin.
William Farrell
William Farrell le 20 Juin 2022
Yep. All I can do is laugh at myself! Thanks everyone.

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