By looking further into this my current goal is to do the following:
-1) Use the Simulink Coder to convert the Simulink Model to C code (or a series of C related files).
(While the executable generated by the Simulink Coder works, the Unscented Kalman Filter does not allow calls to system.)
-2) Call the generated C Code from Simulink Coder using the coder.ceval command
I imagine that there is a way to run the result of the Simulink Coder, e.g., the example main script, usually called ert_main.c, from a Matlab function using the coder.ceval command. Is there a way to do so or such an example?
the coder.ceval('ert_main.c') does not work, as it likely requires filies to be included first (perhaps with coder.cinclude?)