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How to make M×N matrix in matlab function simulink

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Rabe24 le 23 Juin 2022
Commenté : Rabe24 le 24 Juin 2022
I make this code in matlab function simulink.
I set a sampling time and a simulation time, 0.001s and 10.0s.
I wanted a parameter, p(10001×100)(time×H), whose 100 is a roop number.
However, the parameter p was (1000100×100). The row was also set 100 times, like a double loop.
How can i fix them in simulink?
Below is the code in matlab function simlink.
The paramater input is (10001×1).
function p = fcn(input)
for r=1:1:H
  2 commentaires
dpb le 23 Juin 2022
creates a 2D array of zeros HxH. Is that what was intended/wanted?
Your function doesn't ever use the argument variable input?
The loop as written will execute 100 times and set the linear addressing element r (1:100) only; since MATLAB is column-storage major, that will set the first column of p and leave the other 99 as zeros.
That result could be more efficienty be code in MATLAB using array syntax as
function p = fcn(input)
which still doesn't use the argument variable so also is probably not what is intended.
It's not clear to me from the description the exact result wanted; can you use a much smaller size of arrays (say 10 elements or so instead of 10001) and show an actual input and what the output would be for it?
Rabe24 le 24 Juin 2022
Thank you for your solution.
After researching array syntax that you told me about, I got the array which I wanted.
I changed p=zeros(H) to p=zeros(1,H), and the array changes to p(10001×100).
Thanks for your advice, I have learned a lot about matlab arrays.

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