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Stacking implementation of 2 neural nets

15 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
yogini prabhu
yogini prabhu le 8 Juil 2022
  • Stacking is an ensemble machine learning algorithm that learns how to best combine the predictions from multiple well-performing machine learning models.
so if I use patternnet or lvqnet to create 2 separate net models in the following case : 2 factors of one being ( eg 1: - heart rate and blood profile : which are to be utilised into 1 single decision to decide cholesterol profile of patient, eg 2:- leaf spectra and bark spectra of a single tree : which are to be utilised for its stress diagnosis) .
so then how to stack the 2 nets as per ensemble modeling using Matlab?

Réponses (1)

Akshat le 1 Sep 2023
Hi Yogini,
As per what I understand, stacking can be done with two or more machine learning models to make one ensemble model, which outperforms (usually) the models constituting it.
The catch here is, those models are trained on the same training set, but as you mentioned in the question, you will train one neural net on heart rate and the other on blood profile. I am not exactly sure if this will work, as the data used to train isn’t consistent for both the models (even when the dimensions are consistent).
In case you want to stack two models trained on the same dataset, you can follow the steps mentioned in this documentation page:
This is where the documentation made the base models:
% SVM with Gaussian kernel
rng('default') % For reproducibility
mdls{1} = fitcsvm(adultdata,'salary','KernelFunction','gaussian', ...
% SVM with polynomial kernel
mdls{2} = fitcsvm(adultdata,'salary','KernelFunction','polynomial', ...
% Decision tree
mdls{3} = fitctree(adultdata,'salary');
% Naive Bayes
mdls{4} = fitcnb(adultdata,'salary');
% Ensemble of decision trees
mdls{5} = fitcensemble(adultdata,'salary');
Following is how you stack the models:
rng('default') % For reproducibility
N = numel(mdls);
Scores = zeros(size(adultdata,1),N);
cv = cvpartition(adultdata.salary,"KFold",5);
for ii = 1:N
m = crossval(mdls{ii},'cvpartition',cv);
[~,s] = kfoldPredict(m);
Scores(:,ii) = s(:,m.ClassNames=='<=50K');




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