how to return cell array with varargout?

24 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Louis Tomczyk
Louis Tomczyk le 12 Juil 2022
Modifié(e) : Stephen23 le 12 Juil 2022
Dear all,
I know the title is not that explicit but I did not find a short way to formulate my question.
Here (MATHWORKS - Simple explanation - how to use varargout) was given an example to use .
I remind here the code suggested:
function varargout = varargoutexample(x)
% Demonstrates how to use VARAGOUT.
% Pass in a vector of values.
% Note that NARGOUT is the number of output
% arguments you called the function with.
for ii = 1:nargout
varargout{ii} = x.^ii;
How can I change the code so as to get a dynamic cell array as an output.
To be more explicit I imagine something like:
function varargout = varargoutexample(N,x)
for ii = 1:N
varargout{ii} = x.^ii;
such as when I call the function I have:
% in the shell
my_cell = cell(1,3); % pre-allocation
>> my_cell = varargoutexample(3,2)
my_cell =
1x3 cell array
{[2]} {[4]} {[8]}
And then get easy acces to the elements of my_cell :
my_cell{1} = 2
my_cell{2} = 4
my_cell{3} = 8
When I print the loop I have the expected result:
>> my_cell = varargoutexample(3,2)
ii =
varargout =
1×1 cell array
ii =
varargout =
1×2 cell array
{[2]} {[4]}
ii =
varargout =
1×3 cell array
{[2]} {[4]} {[8]}
But when I call my_cell I only get 2 which corresponds to the first loop result...
I hope I am clear enough.
Thanks a lot in advance!
Best regards,
  3 commentaires
Steven Lord
Steven Lord le 12 Juil 2022
And the pattern Adam Danz showed in the accepted answer matches the "Function Return Values" section on the first of the pages to which Stephen23 linked.
Louis Tomczyk
Louis Tomczyk le 12 Juil 2022
Modifié(e) : Louis Tomczyk le 12 Juil 2022
@Stephen23 thanks for the link, I didn't think about typing such keywords...

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Réponse acceptée

Adam Danz
Adam Danz le 12 Juil 2022
myCell = cell(1,3);
[myCell{:}] = myfunc(__)
  1 commentaire
Louis Tomczyk
Louis Tomczyk le 12 Juil 2022
such reactivity!
perfect, thanks a lot!

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Plus de réponses (1)

Jonas le 12 Juil 2022
if i understand you cirrectly, you want as dynamic output variable varargout, and each of the given should/can be a cell itself
so not this
a = 2
b = 4
c = 8
but you want a cell
a = 1×3 cell array
{[2]} {[4]} {[8]}
function varargout = varargoutexampleMultVar(N,x)
for ii = 1:N
varargout{ii} = x.^ii;
function varargout = varargoutexample(N,x)
for ii = 1:N
varargout{1}{ii} = x.^ii;
  3 commentaires
Stephen23 le 12 Juil 2022
Note that VARARGOUT does absolutely nothing in the VARARGOUTEXAMPLE function, it can be simply replaced with a normal named output argument:
a = normalexample(3,2)
a = 1×3 cell array
{[2]} {[4]} {[8]}
function out = normalexample(N,x)
out = cell(1,N);
for ii = 1:N
out{ii} = x.^ii;
Louis Tomczyk
Louis Tomczyk le 12 Juil 2022
@Stephen23 Yes that was obvious but I still don't understand the idea of needing to put exactly the right number of output arguments, for a function which will return time-varying number of outputs....
Indeed the syntaxt :
is not obvious to me even if I admit I am far from being an expert...

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