signal manually analysis matlab

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
C S le 13 Juil 2022
Modifié(e) : C S le 27 Août 2023
f interest to analyse not specific values.
  1 commentaire
Abderrahim. B
Abderrahim. B le 13 Juil 2022
Modifié(e) : Abderrahim. B le 13 Juil 2022
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Are you trying to extract a region of interest (ROI)t from EMG signal ? Do you know limits (end time and start time) of the ROI ?

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Réponses (1)

Abderrahim. B
Abderrahim. B le 13 Juil 2022
% Some dummy data
emg_signal = [-10*ones(4000,1) ; -500*ones(8000,1); -15*ones(6000,1) ] ;
% emcg_signal = 1rand()
plot(emg_signal, "LineWidth", 2)
% ROI emg
roi_t = 4000:8000 ;
emg_roi = emg_signal(roi_t) ;
% Some spectral analysis of ROI emg
  2 commentaires
C S le 13 Juil 2022
Thank you. But is there any other way to do it manually. For example, to use a funtion sumilar to ginput. In particular, one function that you allow you to select with your cursor the time of the signal that you want to analyze.
Abderrahim. B
Abderrahim. B le 14 Juil 2022
Use input then . Copy, past and run this code in your MATLAB. input function will not run here (it is not supported).
clear ;
close all ;
% Some dummy data
emg_signal = [-10*ones(4000,1) ; -500*ones(8000,1); -15*ones(6000,1) ] ;
% emcg_signal = 1rand()
plot(emg_signal, "Color", 'k')
title("EMCG Signal")
% ROI emcg
roi_t = input("Enter ROI as row vector (e.g 4000:8000): ") ;
emg_roi = emg_signal(roi_t) ;
% Some spectral analysis of ROI emg
title("EMG ROI Spectrum ")

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