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Displaying video in UI axes

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Ayman Shaban
Ayman Shaban le 14 Juil 2022
Commenté : Ayman Shaban le 14 Juil 2022
I'm using a pushbutton and UIAxes, and I want when I press the button the specifid video is displayed in my UI axex
  5 commentaires
Adam Danz
Adam Danz le 14 Juil 2022
Where does the video come from? How are you getting it into MATLAB?
Ayman Shaban
Ayman Shaban le 14 Juil 2022
The video is in the matlab path

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Kevin Holly
Kevin Holly le 14 Juil 2022
Attach is a simple video player app I created. You can look at the code and adjust it to meet your needs.
  1 commentaire
Ayman Shaban
Ayman Shaban le 14 Juil 2022
Thank you very much, I need not to upload the file, just when clicking the button the video is displayed
but I'll try to modify your model

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