vectorize nested loops interpolation

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Alessandro D
Alessandro D le 19 Juil 2022
Commenté : Bruno Luong le 19 Juil 2022
I have two nested loops and inside the inner loop I use linear interpolation in one dimension. I would like to vectorize the innermost loop and leave only the outer loop for speed reasons. I attach a minimum working example below, see the comment "How can I vectorize the inner loop over i"? Just to be clear the code works fine, the problem is that for my purposes it is too slow.
% This is a minimum working example
a_min = 1e-10;
a_max = 1;
na = 200;
a_grid = linspace(a_min,a_max,na)';
Nsim = 10000; % Desired value is larger, around 50000
r = 0.04;
nz = 14; % no. of points 2nd dim of pol_ap
TT = 80; % no. of points 3rd dim of pol_ap
pol_ap = rand(na,nz,TT); % fake data
z_ind_sim = randi(nz,Nsim,TT); % fake data
income_sim = rand(Nsim,TT); % fake data
%% Simulate Nsim agents for TT periods
a_sim = zeros(Nsim,TT+1);
c_sim = zeros(Nsim,TT);
% Set initial condition for assets
a_sim(:,1) = a_grid(1); % All agents start their life with a_grid(1)
for j = 1:TT % outer loop over j
z_c = z_ind_sim(:,j); % dim: (Nsim,1)
% =====> How can I vectorize the inner loop over i? <=====
for i=1:Nsim
a_sim(i,j+1) = interp1q(a_grid,pol_ap(:,z_c(i),j), a_sim(i,j));
% Here it is easy to vectorize the loop over i
c_sim(:,j) = (1+r)*a_sim(:,j)+income_sim(:,j)-a_sim(:,j+1);
end %END j
Elapsed time is 3.441594 seconds.
a_sim(:,TT+1) = []; % we want T periods, not T+1

Réponse acceptée

Jan le 19 Juil 2022
Modifié(e) : Jan le 19 Juil 2022
% Your code:
a_min = 1e-10;
a_max = 1;
na = 200;
a_grid = linspace(a_min,a_max,na)';
Nsim = 10000; % Desired value is larger, around 50000
r = 0.04;
nz = 14; % no. of points 2nd dim of pol_ap
TT = 80; % no. of points 3rd dim of pol_ap
pol_ap = rand(na,nz,TT); % fake data
z_ind_sim = randi(nz,Nsim,TT); % fake data
income_sim = rand(Nsim,TT); % fake data
%% Simulate Nsim agents for TT periods
a_sim = zeros(Nsim,TT+1);
c_sim = zeros(Nsim,TT);
% Set initial condition for assets
a_sim(:,1) = a_grid(1); % All agents start their life with a_grid(1)
for j = 1:TT % outer loop over j
z_c = z_ind_sim(:,j); % dim: (Nsim,1)
for i=1:Nsim
a_sim(i,j+1) = interp1q(a_grid,pol_ap(:,z_c(i),j), a_sim(i,j));
% Here it is easy to vectorize the loop over i
c_sim(:,j) = (1+r)*a_sim(:,j)+income_sim(:,j)-a_sim(:,j+1);
end %END j
Elapsed time is 2.610400 seconds.
% Interpolate once only to get the indices:
a_sim2 = zeros(Nsim,TT+1);
c_sim2 = zeros(Nsim,TT);
% Set initial condition for assets
a_sim2(:,1) = a_grid(1); % All agents start their life with a_grid(1)
for j = 1:TT % outer loop over j
z_c = z_ind_sim(:, j); % dim: (Nsim,1)
index = interp1(a_grid, 1:size(pol_ap, 1), a_sim(:,j));
F = floor(index);
S = index - F;
for i = 1:Nsim
a_sim2(i, j+1) = pol_ap(F(i), z_c(i), j) * (1 - S(i)) + ...
pol_ap(F(i) + 1, z_c(i), j) * S(i);
% Here it is easy to vectorize the loop over i
c_sim2(:,j) = (1+r)*a_sim2(:,j)+income_sim(:,j)-a_sim(:,j+1);
end %END j
Elapsed time is 0.063530 seconds.
max(abs(a_sim(:) - a_sim2(:)))
ans = 3.4139e-14
max(abs(c_sim(:) - c_sim2(:)))
ans = 3.5305e-14
  3 commentaires
Alessandro D
Alessandro D le 19 Juil 2022
Modifié(e) : Alessandro D le 19 Juil 2022
The second function instead of using interp1 uses histc and is pasted below. I tested them for speed and they are similar. For small data it seems that the version with histc is a bit faster. It is probably better not to use histc however, since Matlab does not recommend it and interp1 performs similarily (at least for this problem).
function [jl,omega] = find_loc_vec(x_grid,xi)
%Find jl s.t. x_grid(jl)<=xi<x_grid(jl+1)
%for jl=1,..,N-1
% omega is the weight on x_grid(jl)
nx = size(x_grid,1);
% For each 'xi', get the left point
[~,jl] = histc(xi,x_grid);
jl = max(jl,1); % To avoid index=0 when xi < x(1)
jl = min(jl,nx-1); % To avoid index=nx+1 when xi > x(end).
%Weight on x_grid(j)
omega = (x_grid(jl+1)-xi)./(x_grid(jl+1)-x_grid(jl));
omega = max(min(omega,1),0);
end %end function "find_loc_vec"
Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong le 19 Juil 2022
The last time I check the fatest method to find bin location is discretize

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