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Can we write skew normal distribution (2) in terms of theta, x ,y

46 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
PRAKASH JOSHI le 20 Juil 2022
Modifié(e) : Aditya le 14 Sep 2023
I was trying to write skew normal distribution in terms of theta, x , y , rather than using covariance matrix
is there any equation like it is for bivariate equation
Thanks in advance

Réponses (1)

Aditya le 14 Sep 2023
Modifié(e) : Aditya le 14 Sep 2023
Hey Prakash,
I understand that you require a different way of writing skew normal distribution in terms of different variables.
Yes, the skew normal distribution can be defined in terms of parameters theta, x, and y instead of using a covariance matrix. The skew normal distribution is a generalization of the normal distribution that includes an additional parameter for skewness.
function pdfValue = skewNormalPDF(x, theta, alpha, omega)
% Skew Normal PDF implementation
% x: random variable
% theta: location parameter
% alpha: shape parameter controlling skewness
% omega: scale parameter
% Standard normal PDF and CDF
phi = @(x) exp(-0.5 * x.^2) / sqrt(2 * pi);
Phi = @(x) 0.5 * (1 + erf(x / sqrt(2)));
% Calculate the skew normal PDF
z = (x - theta) / omega; % Standardize the random variable
pdfValue = 2 / omega * phi(z) .* Phi(alpha * z);
It's important to note that the skew normal distribution is a univariate distribution, meaning it models a single random variable. If you want to extend it to a multivariate distribution, you would need to use a multivariate skew normal distribution or another appropriate multivariate distribution that accommodates skewness, such as the skew-t distribution.
You may refer to the following link for further information:
Best Regards
Aditya Kaloji

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