how to load a txt file and create a matrix?

15 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
EM geo
EM geo le 22 Juil 2022
Hi everybody!
I need to load the txt file attached and create a matrix in order to create boxplots. Can you help me ?
I tried this code I wrote for another purpose, but I don't know how to increase the number of rows and columns to import:
clear; clc; close;
fid = fopen('grad_all_er_v1.txt','rt');
C = textscan(fid, '%f%f%f', 'MultipleDelimsAsOne',true, 'Delimiter','[;', 'HeaderLines',2);

Réponse acceptée

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 22 Juil 2022
The file uses comma as decimal point, which needs to be account for.
C = readmatrix('grad_all_er_v1.txt', 'Decimal', ',', 'treatas', '-9999');
This command also converts all those -9999 into nan.

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