how can I draw bifurcation diagram for given code
9 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
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Good afternoon sir
can you tell me anyone how to draw bifurcation diagram like this
zetaa = 0.4;
zetai = 0.3;
zetag = 0.3;
theta = 0.2;
omega = 0.5;
beta = 0.3311;
lamdai = 0.0046;
lamdau = 0.5129;
gammai = 0.0046;
gammau = 0.5129;
gammag = 0.1318;
mui = 0.0046;
muu = 0.4852;
mug = 0.0128;
mu = 0.0014;
Ki = lamdai+gammai+mui+mu; Ku = lamdau+gammau+muu+mu; Kg = gammag+mug+mu; Km = omega+mu;
R0 = (beta*zetag/Km)+(beta*zetai*theta*omega/(Ki*Km))+...
A1 =(pi-mu*N/R0)/Km;
I1 =(theta*omega)/Ki;
G1 =(lamdai*theta*omega*Ku+lamdau*(1-theta)*omega*Ki)*A1/(Ki*Kg*Ku);
R1 =(((lamdai*theta*omega)/mu*Ki)+((1-theta)*omega/Ku*mu)+((gammag*lamdai*theta*omega)/(mu*Kg*Ki))...
V1 = beta*(zetaa*A1+zetai*I1+zetag*G1)*(1/N);
box on
hold on
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Réponses (1)
Abderrahim. B
le 31 Août 2022
MATLAB does not have a function to plot this kind of diagrams, but it has capabilities that you can use to write your own specific codes.
Consider using function the below file echanges that you may find useful .
Hope this helps
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