how can i apply wavelet filter to this code

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Mehmet Özgür Güzel
Mehmet Özgür Güzel le 2 Sep 2022
Modifié(e) : Mathy le 16 Août 2024
% generate a waveform
f0 =100;
pw = 0.1;
pri = 1;
npulses = 100;
s = cos(2*pi*f0*(0:1/fs:pw)); % it can be any other waveform of your choice
s(round(fs*pri)) = 0; % PRI
s = repmat(s, npulses, 1); % npulses
% echo: delayed signal
tau = 0.3;
ntau = round(fs*tau);
amp = 0.5;
e = amp* circshift(s, ntau);
% add noise
sigma = 0.1;
r = s + e + sigma*randn(size(s));
y = pulsint(r);
plot((0:length(s)-1)/fs, r)

Réponses (1)

Mathy le 16 Août 2024
Modifié(e) : Mathy le 16 Août 2024
Hi Mehmet,
To add wavelet filters you can make use of the wfilters (Wavelet filters) by MATLAB. This wfilters( wname) function returns the four lowpass and highpass, decomposition and reconstruction filters associated with the orthogonoal or biorthogonal wavelet wname. For Example
wname = "db5";
%Compute the four filters associated with wavelet name specified by wname and plot the results.
[LoD,HiD,LoR,HiR] = wfilters(wname);
title("Decomposition Lowpass Filter")
Hope this helps!


En savoir plus sur Continuous Wavelet Transforms dans Help Center et File Exchange




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