How to create ROI object handle?
8 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
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h = figure;
hg = findobj(h,'Type','hggroup')
% How can I "create" a ROI object so that I can call createMask()?
I'm trying to get ROI object handle, but it seems that it can not be retrieved after creation. Through property inspector, I found hggroup might be related to it. However, it is not the same as the handle returned by imrect().
Can I use hg to create a handle so that I can call createMask()?
The main problem is that I have to get the ROI object after its creation. In my application, the ROI creation is done in a callback, thus I can not get an output from it. So I need to find out information about ROI object from figure handle.
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Réponses (3)
Eric Delgado
le 30 Sep 2022
Replace imrect for images.roi.Rectangle. See the first example of the doc -
% Directly draw your rectangle using your mouse:
roi = drawrectangle;
% Draw your rectangle programmatically:
% roi = images.roi.Rectangle(gca,'Position',[x,y,W,H]);
4 commentaires
Eric Delgado
le 3 Oct 2022
The handle for a uirect() has just one public property ("Deletable"). If you use struct to see its implementation, you will get a few more...
fig = figure;
ax1 = axes(fig);
h = imrect()
% h =
% imrect with properties:
% Deletable: 1
h = struct(h)
% h =
% struct with fields:
% api: [1×1 struct]
% h_group: [1×1 Group]
% draw_api: [1×1 struct]
% graphicsDeletedListener: [1×1 event.listener]
% Deletable: 1
% hDeleteContextItem: [1×1 Menu]
isequal(findobj('Type', 'hggroup'), h.h_group)
% ans =
% logical
% 1
Image Analyst
le 3 Oct 2022
Try this:
h = figure;
uiwait(helpdlg('Drag out a box'))
rRect = imrect();
pos = rRect.getPosition
mask = rRect.createMask;
7 commentaires
Image Analyst
le 4 Oct 2022
Well then you'll need to save them. What Simon showed you only works as long as the graphical roi object is still there in the axes. If you ever cleared the axes, like by displaying a different image, then it will be gone and there's no way to get it back. So if you ever plan on displaying an image, drawing an roi, and then displaying another image, you'll have to have the roi saved into a variable, rather than an object in the axes container. I don't recommend Simon's solution in the more general case of using one or more ROIs on one or more images, which is what it sounds like what you want to do.
Simon Chan
le 3 Oct 2022
You may try the following:
h = figure;
imrect(); % not use the output of imrect()
hAx=findobj(ax.Children,'-regexp','Tag','corner marker');
x = cat(1,hAx.XData);
y = cat(1,hAx.YData);
roi = [min(x) min(y), max(x)-min(x) max(y)-min(y)]
3 commentaires
Simon Chan
le 3 Oct 2022
You may need to tackle them differently:
h = figure;
ax = gca;
hAx = findobj(ax.Children,'-property','Position');
hAx.Position % Gives you the vertices for drawpolygon
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