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How to save all values generated from a for statement in different variables

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Belal Abboushi
Belal Abboushi le 6 Mar 2015
Commenté : Adam le 6 Mar 2015
I'm using a for statement to extract values from a matrix depending on i.
for i=1:intn % number of sources Ls= filename(i+1,5)
In this case, I need to save all generated values of Ls as Ls1, Ls2, Ls3, etc.. I tried Ls(i) but it didn't work. Does anyone know how to integrate i into the string name?
Any help would be highly appreciated!
  3 commentaires
Belal Abboushi
Belal Abboushi le 6 Mar 2015
When i used Ls(i), i got a variable Ls with two values in it (1x2 cell). Thanks,
Adam le 6 Mar 2015
Unless intn is 2 it sounds like you used it incorrectly in that case, but you haven't posted your code so it is impossible to say much more.

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Réponses (1)

Ingrid le 6 Mar 2015
you could try to use a structure that would look something like this:
for i =1:intn
currentName = ['Ls' num2str(i)]
results.(currentName) = filename(i+1,5);
than you can store the Ls1,Ls2,... as follows
save filename results -struct


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