val = Empty sym: 0-by-1

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
M.S.R le 30 Nov 2022
Modifié(e) : M.S.R le 1 Déc 2022
Hello Guys!
I want to solve a series of dependent nonlinear equations in MATLAB. I have 31 equations and 31 unknown parameters. I entered these equations in MATLAB but when I use the 'solve' command, I get the following error in solved parameters:
val = Empty sym: 0-by-1
Does anyone know the reason for this problem? Is there a solution for it?
My code is:
close all
di = 0.04; % m
alpha = 12.67; % degree
beta = 2.66; % degree
Ti = 291.65; % K
Pi = 90; % bar
Vi = 43.5; % m/s
k = 1.32;
R = 516.18; % j/kg.k
L = 0.2; %m
Zi = 1;
Ai = pi*(di^2)/4; % m^2
Ci = sqrt(k*R*Zi*Ti); % Ci = 443.8; m/s
Mi = Vi/Ci; % Mi = 0.098;
rhoi = (Pi*1e5)/(Zi*Ti*R); % rhoi = 60.17; kg/m^3
Pe = 70; %atm
de = 0.03; %m
Ae = pi*(de^2)/4; % m^2
syms Pt rhot Tt dt At Ct Vt xt Pbs rhobs Tbs dbs Abs Cbs Vbs Mabs xbs Pas rhoas Tas das Aas Cas Vas Maas xas rhoe Te Ce Ve Mae
eq1 = Ct == sqrt(k*R*Zt*Tt);
eq2 = (k*R*Zt*Tt) == (Vi^2+((2*k)/(k-1))*(R*Zi*Ti-R*Zt*Tt));
eq3 = ((Zi*Ti)/(Zt*Tt)) == (rhoi/rhot)^(k-1);
eq4 = (rhoi/rhot)^(k-1) == (Pi/Pt)^((k-1)/k);
eq5 = At == Ai*(rhoi/rhot)*(Vi/Vt);
eq6 = xt == (Ai^0.5 - At^0.5)/((pi^0.5)*tand(alpha)) ;
eq7 = At == pi*(dt^2)/4;
eq8 = Mat == Vt / Ct;
eq9 = Abs == At*(rhot/rhobs)*(Vt/Vbs);
eq10 = ((Zt*Tt)/(Zbs*Tbs)) == (rhot/rhobs)^(k-1);
eq11 = (rhot/rhobs)^(k-1) == (Pt/Pbs)^((k-1)/k);
eq12 = Cbs == sqrt(k*R*Zbs*Tbs);
eq13 = Vbs^2 == (Vt^2+((2*k)/(k-1))*(R*Zt*Tt-R*Zbs*Tbs));
eq14 = (Abs^0.5 - At^0.5)/((pi^0.5)*tand(beta)) == xbs;
eq15 = Mabs == Vbs / Cbs;
eq16 = Abs == pi*(dbs^2)/4;
eq17 = Ae == Aas*(rhoas/rhoe)*(Vas/Ve);
eq18 = ((Ze*Te)/(Zas*Tas)) == (rhoe/rhoas)^(k-1);
eq19 = (rhoe/rhoas)^(k-1) == (Pe/Pas)^((k-1)/k);
eq20 = Cas == sqrt(k*R*Zas*Tas);
eq21 = Ce == sqrt(k*R*Ze*Te);
eq22 = Vas^2 == (Ve^2+((2*k)/(k-1))*(R*Ze*Te-R*Zas*Tas));
eq23 = (Ae^0.5 - Aas^0.5)/((pi^0.5)*tand(beta)) == xas;
eq24 = Mae == Ve / Ce;
eq25 = Maas == Vas / Cas;
eq26 = Aas == pi*(das^2)/4;
eq27 = Pbs*(1+k*Mabs^2) == Pas*(1+k*Maas^2);
eq28 = Tbs*(1+((k-1)/2)*(Mabs^2)*Zbs) == Tas*(1+((k-1)/2)*(Maas^2)*Zas);
eq29 = ((Mabs)/(1+k*Mabs^2))*sqrt(1+((k-1)/2)*Mabs^2) == sqrt(Zbs/Zas)*(Maas)/(1+k*Maas^2)*sqrt(1+((k-1)/2)*Maas^2);
eq30 = Abs == Aas;
eq31 = L == xas+xbs+xt;
  5 commentaires
John D'Errico
John D'Errico le 30 Nov 2022
Just because you think a solution should exist does not mean it can be found. In fact, it is trivial to write an equation that has NO analytically solvable solution, even though one does exist. For example:
syms a b c d e real
syms x
P5 = x^5 + a*x^4 + b*x^3 + c*x^2 + d*x + e == 0
P5 = 
Since the polynomial is a general polynomial of odd degree with real coefficients, it is mathematically provable that at least ONE real solution MUST exist.
At the same time, Abel-Ruffini provided a proof (long before any of us were born) that no algebraic solution can be found for exactly such a problem. So solve would NEVER return a result there, even for such a simply written problem.
solve can sometimes produce a solution for problems with completely numerical coefficients, but only because it uses a numerical solver there when necessary. And for large nonlinear problems, numerical solvers can often be subject to starting value issues.
As it turns out, your problem is wildly more complex than that simple polynomial. But solve was unable to solve your problem. No huge surprise there. We all sometimes want things that are not possible to achieve.
M.S.R le 1 Déc 2022
Modifié(e) : M.S.R le 1 Déc 2022
All the points you mentioned are correct, but what I am sure of is that there is an analytical solution to these equations.
I also know that these equations have already been coded and solved in MATLAB by someone else.
For the first 8 equations that relate to the nozzle inlet to its throat, I found the appropriate analytical solution code that perfectly matches the answers I have. (question of my previous post)
close all
di = 0.04; % m
alpha = 12.67; % degree
beta = 2.66; % degree
Ti = 291.65; % K
Pi = 90; % bar
Vi = 43.5; % m/s
k = 1.32;
R = 516.18; % j/kg.k
Zi = 1;
Ai = pi*(di^2)/4; % m^2
Ci = sqrt(k*R*Zi*Ti); % Ci = 443.8; m/s
Mi = Vi/Ci; % Mi = 0.098;
rhoi = (Pi*1e5)/(Zi*Ti*R); % rhoi = 60.17; kg/m^3
syms Pt rhot Tt xt dt Vt At Ct
eq1 = sqrt(k*R*Zt*Tt) == Ct;
eq2 = (k*R*Zt*Tt) == (Vi^2+((2*k)/(k-1))*(Zi*R*Ti-Zt*Tt*R));
eq3 = ((Zi*Ti)/(Zt*Tt)) == (rhoi/rhot)^(k-1);
eq4 = (rhoi/rhot)^(k-1) == (Pi/Pt)^((k-1)/k);
eq5 = Ai*(rhoi/rhot)*(Vi/Vt) == At;
eq6 = (Ai^0.5 - At^0.5)/((pi^0.5)*tand(alpha)) == xt;
eq7 = At == pi*(dt^2)/4;
eq8 = Mat == Ct / Vt;
From equation 9 onward, all equations are interdependent and therefore Salo's command cannot solve them easily, and this is exactly what I am looking for!
Perhaps simplifying the equations can help in this regard, and perhaps each equation should be solved separately and the obtained parameter replaced in another equation, but the point is that it cannot be done easily and the dependence of the equations prevents it !

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Réponses (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 30 Nov 2022
di = 0.04; % m
alpha = 12.67; % degree
beta = 2.66; % degree
Ti = 291.65; % K
Pi = 90; % bar
Vi = 43.5; % m/s
k = 1.32;
R = 516.18; % j/kg.k
L = 0.2; %m
Zi = 1;
Ai = pi*(di^2)/4; % m^2
Ci = sqrt(k*R*Zi*Ti); % Ci = 443.8; m/s
Mi = Vi/Ci; % Mi = 0.098;
rhoi = (Pi*1e5)/(Zi*Ti*R); % rhoi = 60.17; kg/m^3
Pe = 70; %atm
de = 0.03; %m
Ae = pi*(de^2)/4; % m^2
syms Pt rhot Tt dt At Ct Vt xt Pbs rhobs Tbs dbs Abs Cbs Vbs Mabs xbs Pas rhoas Tas das Aas Cas Vas Maas xas rhoe Te Ce Ve Mae
eq1 = Ct == sqrt(k*R*Zt*Tt);
eq2 = (k*R*Zt*Tt) == (Vi^2+((2*k)/(k-1))*(R*Zi*Ti-R*Zt*Tt));
eq3 = ((Zi*Ti)/(Zt*Tt)) == (rhoi/rhot)^(k-1);
eq4 = (rhoi/rhot)^(k-1) == (Pi/Pt)^((k-1)/k);
eq5 = At == Ai*(rhoi/rhot)*(Vi/Vt);
eq6 = xt == (Ai^0.5 - At^0.5)/((pi^0.5)*tand(alpha)) ;
eq7 = At == pi*(dt^2)/4;
eq8 = Mat == Vt / Ct;
eq9 = Abs == At*(rhot/rhobs)*(Vt/Vbs);
eq10 = ((Zt*Tt)/(Zbs*Tbs)) == (rhot/rhobs)^(k-1);
eq11 = (rhot/rhobs)^(k-1) == (Pt/Pbs)^((k-1)/k);
eq12 = Cbs == sqrt(k*R*Zbs*Tbs);
eq13 = Vbs^2 == (Vt^2+((2*k)/(k-1))*(R*Zt*Tt-R*Zbs*Tbs));
eq14 = (Abs^0.5 - At^0.5)/((pi^0.5)*tand(beta)) == xbs;
eq15 = Mabs == Vbs / Cbs;
eq16 = Abs == pi*(dbs^2)/4;
eq17 = Ae == Aas*(rhoas/rhoe)*(Vas/Ve);
eq18 = ((Ze*Te)/(Zas*Tas)) == (rhoe/rhoas)^(k-1);
eq19 = (rhoe/rhoas)^(k-1) == (Pe/Pas)^((k-1)/k);
eq20 = Cas == sqrt(k*R*Zas*Tas);
eq21 = Ce == sqrt(k*R*Ze*Te);
eq22 = Vas^2 == (Ve^2+((2*k)/(k-1))*(R*Ze*Te-R*Zas*Tas));
eq23 = (Ae^0.5 - Aas^0.5)/((pi^0.5)*tand(beta)) == xas;
eq24 = Mae == Ve / Ce;
eq25 = Maas == Vas / Cas;
eq26 = Aas == pi*(das^2)/4;
eq27 = Pbs*(1+k*Mabs^2) == Pas*(1+k*Maas^2);
eq28 = Tbs*(1+((k-1)/2)*(Mabs^2)*Zbs) == Tas*(1+((k-1)/2)*(Maas^2)*Zas);
eq29 = ((Mabs)/(1+k*Mabs^2))*sqrt(1+((k-1)/2)*Mabs^2) == sqrt(Zbs/Zas)*(Maas)/(1+k*Maas^2)*sqrt(1+((k-1)/2)*Maas^2);
eq30 = Abs == Aas;
eq31 = L == xas+xbs+xt;
eqns = [eq1,eq2,eq3,eq4,eq5,eq6,eq7,eq8,eq9,eq10,eq11,eq12,eq13,eq14,eq15,eq16,eq17,eq18,eq19,eq20,eq21,eq22,eq23,eq24,eq25,eq26,eq27,eq28,eq29,eq30,eq31];
current = eqns;
part1to8 = solve(eqns(1:8));
current2 = subs(eqns(9:end), part1to8);
vars1to8 = sym(fieldnames(part1to8));
Nv1to8 = length(vars1to8);
part9to12 = solve(current2(1,1:4));
vars9to12 = sym(fieldnames(part9to12));
Nv9to12 = length(vars9to12);
current3 = subs(current2(1,5:end), part9to12);
part13to15 = solve(current3(1:2), [Abs, xbs, Mabs]);
vars13to15 = sym(fieldnames(part13to15));
Nv13to15 = length(vars13to15);
current4 = subs(current3(1,3:end), part13to15);
But at this point you get stuck. current4(1,1) is only in terms of the variable Cbs. The left hand side is 0; the right hand side is a ratio of two polynomials, with a discontinuity at Cbs == 0, and it does not cross 0, so there is no solution.
If you follow through the code you will see that at each place I generate a new "current" variable, we are dealing with multiple solutions. In the above code, in each case I select the "first" of the solutions (the second solution generates rows 2 and onwards). So it is potentially possible that if you were to select different branches at those points that you might be able to get further.




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