How to write data on excel right after the cells that are written

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Tiago le 5 Déc 2022
Réponse apportée : Marcel le 7 Déc 2022
I have a table with data first colummn has month and second line has the yellow recycling value that month,3rd has blue recylging and 4rd has grteen recyling.How can i i write the data in excel using matlab so it knows when it needs to add the info to the months column or to the values lines without specifing the coordinates of the cell.

Réponses (1)

Marcel le 7 Déc 2022
You can append content to a excel file like that.
writecell(cellstr(example_array), "file.xlsx", 'WriteMode','append');




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