How to delete all Files not listed in "FileName" variable?
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Hello everybody,
I have the file lists to be kept and other files should be deleted from the folders.
I tried as below. and error occures that Error using delete, Name must be a text scalar.
Is there a way to delete the files not listed in "FileName" variable?
clear; close all; clc;
% viriable "FileName" is the image file to be kept.
% and other files not listed in "FileName" should be deleted.
FileName = ["q1.jpg";"q2.jpg";"q3.jpg"];
temp = table(FileName);
MyFolderInfo = dir(fullfile(pwd, '*'));
MyFolderInfo = MyFolderInfo(~ismember({},{'.','..'}));
fileList = string({});
noNeed = [];
for i=1:length(fileList)
if ~strcmp(fileList(i),FileName)
noNeed = [noNeed; fileList(i)];
F = fullfile(pwd,noNeed);
delete(F) % Errr occures of Error using delete, Name must be a text scalar.
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