Matlab Coder error : converting datetime Format error

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
YunJung Choi
YunJung Choi le 12 Déc 2022
Modifié(e) : VBBV le 14 Déc 2022
I have a problem about Matlab Coder... Actually, The code is correctly run in Matlab, but I want to use Matlab coder. Coder makes error, when I want to change datetime Format. For example, variable DateTime is type of datetime, 2017-05-01 00:00, 2017-05-01 00:15, ...... 2017-09-30 23:45 and I want to change it only year and date like, 20170501, 20170501, ...... , 20170930. That's why I make the code in matlab, d1 = datetime(DateTime, 'Format', 'uuuuMMdd');
DateTime = table2array(datatable(1:row/4,1)); % 2017-05-01 00:00, 2017-05-01 00:15, ...... 2017-09-30 23:45 d1 = datetime(DateTime, 'Format', 'uuuuMMdd'); % 20170501, 20170501, ...... , 20170930
In Matlab, it works correctly. But Matlab Coder can't call the function. I want to know how I can solve this problem...TT

Réponse acceptée

VBBV le 12 Déc 2022
Use the dateType argument for the datetime function
d1 = datetime(DateTime, 'dateType', 'yyyymmdd'); % use the dateType argument
instead of
d1 = datetime(DateTime, 'Format', 'uuuuMMdd'); % 20170501, 20170501, ...... , 20170930
  4 commentaires
YunJung Choi
YunJung Choi le 13 Déc 2022
In the table, there is datetime type. That's why I use table2array... Because value of type 'datetime' in the table, it can't be convertible to 'cell'.
I have a problem only in Matlab Coder... I want to convert from matlab code to c code. Actually my original code has no problem in matlab, but it happens only when I use Matlab Coder codegen...TT Is the correct solution for Matlab Coder?? TT
VBBV le 14 Déc 2022
Modifié(e) : VBBV le 14 Déc 2022
Ok, for some reason, Matlab coder doesnt support datetime functions
D = datetime({'2017-05-01 00:00', '2017-05-01 00:15'})
D = 1×2 datetime array
01-May-2017 00:00:00 01-May-2017 00:15:00
T = table(D,'VariableNames',{'D'})
T = table
D __________________________________________ 01-May-2017 00:00:00 01-May-2017 00:15:00
DateTime = table2array(T);
d1 = datetime(DateTime, 'Format', 'uuuuMMdd')
d1 = 1×2 datetime array
20170501 20170501

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Plus de réponses (1)

Chetan Bhavsar
Chetan Bhavsar le 12 Déc 2022
Modifié(e) : Chetan Bhavsar le 12 Déc 2022
Can you try this once
d1 = datestr(datetime, 'yyyymmdd')
d1 = '20221212'
  1 commentaire
YunJung Choi
YunJung Choi le 13 Déc 2022
it still doesn't work... alarm that codegen is not supported datestr method.

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