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How can I increase x-axis ticks by 5 while the limit is auto?

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Mohammed Alhamdan
Mohammed Alhamdan le 28 Déc 2022
Réponse apportée : dpb le 28 Déc 2022
How can I increase x-axis ticks by 5 while the limit is auto?
this for example will increase it by 5 but I have to specify the limit

Réponse acceptée

dpb le 28 Déc 2022
Don't remember otomh whether it will affect the auto-range setting or not, but to solve the above issue about range, use something like
xlm=xlim; % retrieve current x limits
xticks(0:5:xlm(end)) % set by 5 over that range
You can be more clever about lower limit and rounding, etc., etc., depending on need and characteristics of the actual data.

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