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How to have a chain of inputs when changing the drop-down menu in MATLAB APP Designer?

4 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
I have a drop-down menu with four options. I have different options with different inputs. A simple example would be:
1- one edit field (Total power losses) with a drop-down menu of two options:
a-option (a) IBGT
b-option (b) MOSFET
2- push button and UI.axis (calculate losses, plot losses)
3- have a slider and knob (amplitude and frequency)
  1 commentaire
J. Alex Lee
J. Alex Lee le 6 Jan 2023
i am not sure what you mean, but are you perhaps interested in the tabbed panel instead of a drop down?

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Eric Delgado
Eric Delgado le 9 Jan 2023
Just create a callback to this main drop down to control the visibility of your objects... see app attached.

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