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How can I calculate unknown roots from a matrix

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Merve Ala
Merve Ala le 16 Jan 2023
Commenté : Matt J le 16 Jan 2023
I have two basic matrix, and I try to calculate 'lamda' value according to eigen value problem. I must calculate four different 'lamda' values. My code is in below and the results are so complex. I wanna basic results. What can I do?
A = [ 12 22 33 44 ;
49 56 68 79 ;
10 11 12 13 ;
46 58 64 79 ;]
B = [15 16 17 18 ;
44 58 67 71 ;
10 11 12 13;
15 16 17 18 ;]
syms lamda
I = eye (4);
D = inv(A)*B-(lamda*I)
solve(det(D) == 0,lamda)
the results are
ans =
root(z^4 + (4855*z^3)/3169 - (1700140947479703230035*z^2)/706682405897585557504 - (713595360956524300343*z)/5653459247180684460032 + 8158275/2826729623590342230016, z, 1)
root(z^4 + (4855*z^3)/3169 - (1700140947479703230035*z^2)/706682405897585557504 - (713595360956524300343*z)/5653459247180684460032 + 8158275/2826729623590342230016, z, 2)
root(z^4 + (4855*z^3)/3169 - (1700140947479703230035*z^2)/706682405897585557504 - (713595360956524300343*z)/5653459247180684460032 + 8158275/2826729623590342230016, z, 3)
root(z^4 + (4855*z^3)/3169 - (1700140947479703230035*z^2)/706682405897585557504 - (713595360956524300343*z)/5653459247180684460032 + 8158275/2826729623590342230016, z, 4)

Réponse acceptée

Matt J
Matt J le 16 Jan 2023
Modifié(e) : Matt J le 16 Jan 2023
A = [ 12 22 33 44 ;
49 56 68 79 ;
10 11 12 13 ;
46 58 64 79 ];
B = [15 16 17 18 ;
44 58 67 71 ;
10 11 12 13;
15 16 17 18 ];
lambda = eig(B,A)
lambda = 4×1
-2.4812 1.0000 -0.0000 -0.0509
  2 commentaires
Merve Ala
Merve Ala le 16 Jan 2023
Is it eig(A,B)=?
Matt J
Matt J le 16 Jan 2023
I don't see why it would be. Your characteristic equation was,

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