How to update variables in a simple iteration
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Hello everone,
I am trying to solve an equation of which i want to be using the new value as an update. The idea is to use the P and Q calculated in 1 and 2 in equation 3, and the values obtained in 3 is then used in equation 1 and 2 untill delta in equation 3 converges. Is the undelined letters P and Q in 1 and 2 respectively correct?
The expected result is to display P, Q and delta.
% P(i) = P(i) + formula.... % trying to update P and Q
% Q(i) = Q(i) + formula...
% The formula for calculating the P and Q at each buses 1 & 2
P(i) = sum(j=1->n) |Vi||Vj|(Gij * cos(delta_i - delta_j) +
Bij * sin(delta_i - delta_j)
Q(i) = sum(j=1->n) |Vi||Vj|(Gij * sin(delta_i - delta_j) -
Bij * cos(delta_i - delta_j)
% ........................................................................................................
delta = zeros(2,1);
Ybuskron = [Y11 - Y12*inv(Y22)*Y21];
G = real(Ybuskron); % conductance (G) <- real part of admittance
B = imag(Ybuskron); % susceptance (B) <- the imaginary part of admittance
while (delta_tolerance > 1e-7 || E_angle_tol > 1e-7)
for i = 1:2
for j = 1 : 2
P(i) = P(i) + E(i)*E(j)*(G(i,j)*cos(delta(i)-delta(j)) + ... equation (1)
Q(i) = Q(i) + E(i)*E(j)*(G(i,j)*sin(delta(i)-delta(j)) - ... equation (2)
delta(2) = 0;
delta(1) = delta(2) + atan((P(1)/Q(1))); equation (3)
E11(iteration+1,1:2)= abs(E);
E_tolerance = max(abs((E)-(Eprev)));
E_angle_tol = max(abs((angle(E))- angle(Eprev)));
delta_tolerance = max(abs(delta - delta_prev));
Eprev = E; % Vprev is required for next iteration
delta_prev = delta;
iteration = iteration + 1; % Increment iteration count
2 commentaires
John D'Errico
le 24 Jan 2023
Modifié(e) : John D'Errico
le 24 Jan 2023
I doubt I'd call it Gauss-Seidel, since that has a very well defined meaning in mathematics. But you are just performing a simple fixed point iteration.
Anyway, why would you not consider a solving tool, like fsolve instead? Use a tool that is designed to solve a class of problems, rather than trying to invent a possibly poorly convergent tool your own.
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