How can I superimpose my contour plot to a map using usamap function?

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Using the following code I could develope countour maps showing freezing depth across the Alaska states. How can I superimpose these contours to the Alaska map?. When I use usamap function and hold on together, contours will not be displayed on the Alaska map.
close all
data = cell2mat(POFDE);
[lat,lon] = meshgrid(unique(data(:,1)),unique(data(:,2)));
for i = 1:(size(data, 2)-2)
states = readgeotable("usastatehi.shp");
row = states.Name == "Alaska";
alaska = states(row,:);
geoshow(alaska,"FaceColor",[0.3 1.0, 0.675])
textm(alaska.LabelLat,alaska.LabelLon,alaska.Name, ...
hold on;
I = scatteredInterpolant(data(:,[1 2]), data(:,i+2));
title(['The probability of frost depth exceedance of \Omega_{\delta} = ' num2str(i) ' feet'])
exportgraphics(gca, sprintf('FrostPlot_%d_feet.png', i))
hold off

Réponse acceptée

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 19 Fév 2023
contourm needs lat then long
  2 commentaires
Behrooz Daneshian
Behrooz Daneshian le 19 Fév 2023
sorry that must be contourf
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 19 Fév 2023
You cannot use contourf with an axesm based axes. contourf is only suitable for cartesian axes.
You can possibly use contourm with the 'fill' option.

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