How do I append new data to a new variable in a NETCDF file ?

10 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
俊 马
俊 马 le 21 Fév 2023
Commenté : 俊 马 le 28 Fév 2023
I want to append new data to a new variable in the existing netcdf file and let other variables remain unchanged. However, when I use:'E:\data\Landcover\MCD12Q1\heihe\','WRITE');
gravid = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'PCT_GRAVEL','double',[40 40 10]);
error shows:
Operation not allowed in data mode (NC_ENOTINDEFINE)
do you know how to solve it ? thanks
  1 commentaire
dpb le 21 Fév 2023
I "know (almost) nuthink!" per Sgt Schultz about NetCDF files, but the MATLAB interface supplies a higher-level abstracted function <nccreate> that purports to be able to do that. I'd suggest trying it.
If that fails, you'll have to dig a whole lot deeper into the file content of the file you have and the details of the required syntax/operations to add to it.
I dunno if .defVar is the first thing you can call or if you have to do more preliminary work first; it's a pretty complex format/system...

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Raghunathraju le 27 Fév 2023
As per my understanding, you want to append new data to a new variable in a NETCDF file.
You have used the following code to get your work done.'E:\data\Landcover\MCD12Q1\heihe\','WRITE');
gravid = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'PCT_GRAVEL','double',[40 40 10]);
But the datatype you used in “netcdf.defVar” is double which is invalid for NETCDF .Instead you can use NC_DOUBLE”.
For further reference you can go through the link below
  1 commentaire
俊 马
俊 马 le 28 Fév 2023
it didn't work... unless I use "ncid=netcdf.create...." instead of "ncid=netcdf.cpen...." but thanks

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