How can I reiterate a vector in side for loop when a condition is satisfied ?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
I want to reiterate the angle when the condition is met, I tried to explain the question via the code below. I want re-iterate the value of the angle of the outer for loop (when the condition is met), in inner for loop in all the next iterations, in other words fix the value of angle that determined in the outer for loop and make it taking in consideration in the inner for loop in all next iterations.
Thanks in advance.
v=2;% velocity is 2 m/sec
for kk=1:100
for j=1:1 % OUTER LOOP
PreviousselectAngle_Max = selectAngle_Max(j)
angles= [21 25 36 80 90];
for i=1:1:5 % INNER LOOP
selectAngle = angles(RandomizeOverAngles(i))
displ(i,:) = [cos(selectAngle).v,sin(selectAngle).v]; % displacement
if Y % Condition is satisfied
displ = [cos(PreviousselectAngle_Max).v,sin(PreviousselectAngle_Max).v]; % Here I want in this loop
% only re-iterate PreviousselectAngle_Max in the all next
% iterations.
X(i) =do some calculations
selectAngle_Max(j) = angles(RandomizeOverAngles(j))
Y = condition % X is a condition

Réponse acceptée

Harsh Sanghai
Harsh Sanghai le 9 Mar 2023
Based on your explanation, it seems like you want to fix the value of "PreviousselectAngle_Max" in the inner loop of the outer loop iterations where the condition is met. To achieve this, you can introduce a new variable "fixedAngle" that will store the value of "PreviousselectAngle_Max" when the condition is met. Then, you can use this "fixedAngle" variable to replace "PreviousselectAngle_Max" in the inner loop.
v = 2; % velocity is 2 m/sec
for kk = 1:100
for j = 1:1 % OUTER LOOP
PreviousselectAngle_Max = selectAngle_Max(j);
angles = [21 25 36 80 90];
RandomizeOverAngles = randperm(numel(angles));
fixedAngle = NaN; % initialize fixedAngle to NaN
for i = 1:1:5 % INNER LOOP
selectAngle = angles(RandomizeOverAngles(i));
if ~isnan(fixedAngle)
% use fixedAngle instead of PreviousselectAngle_Max
displ(i,:) = [cos(fixedAngle)*v, sin(fixedAngle)*v];
displ(i,:) = [cos(selectAngle)*v, sin(selectAngle)*v]; % displacement
if Y % Condition is satisfied
fixedAngle = PreviousselectAngle_Max; % fix the angle when condition is met
X(i) = do_some_calculations(displ(i,:));
[max, idx] = max(X);
selectAngle_Max(j) = angles(RandomizeOverAngles(j));
Y = condition; % Y is a condition variable
  1 commentaire
omar th
omar th le 9 Mar 2023
@Harsh Sanghai Thank you so much for your answer, you got my point and your answer is sufficient, thanks again

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