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Create plot with shaded standard deviation, but ...

221 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Vilém Frynta
Vilém Frynta le 13 Mar 2023
Commenté : Voss le 14 Mar 2023
I have tried searching on the internet about this issue, but I haven't found what I needed, so I'm here.
I am trying to create a plot that looks like this:
There are some important things that I need to say. The standard deviation will be different in each of the points. To be more specific, I will show you my data that I actually want to plot.
data = readmatrix("data.xlsx") % matrix with 3 columns
data = 28×3
-28.1968 -29.2280 -30.2794 -28.5418 -28.5263 -28.8859 -31.8108 -28.8128 -28.4971 -30.5379 -28.4347 -28.1727 -31.6614 -29.4493 -30.4832 -30.0855 -31.9214 -29.4594 -32.7221 -30.9628 -29.3129 -29.9808 -23.2623 -29.7403 -30.5717 -29.8256 -29.8165 -28.8883 -29.0316 -30.9919
Each column contains numbers. From these numbers, an average value will and standard deviation will be calculated. Three columns, so only three values on the X axis.
Basic plot without these standard deviations would look like so:
% columns 2 and 3 are shorter, so i ignore NaN values
avg_data = [mean(data(:,1)), mean(data(~isnan(data(:,2)),2)), mean(data(~isnan(data(:,3)),3))]
avg_data = 1×3
-30.1883 -29.3129 -29.7215
std_data = [std(data(:,1)), std(data(~isnan(data(:,2)),2)), std(data(~isnan(data(:,3)),3))]
std_data = 1×3
1.3162 1.9987 0.8482
plot(1:3, avg_data)
I have all the data, but I am not aware how to create pretty plot with shaded areas. Other Mathworks Answers were usually using only one std for all the X values, but I have different std value for every X value.

Réponse acceptée

Voss le 13 Mar 2023
data = readmatrix("data.xlsx") % matrix with 3 columns
data = 28×3
-28.1968 -29.2280 -30.2794 -28.5418 -28.5263 -28.8859 -31.8108 -28.8128 -28.4971 -30.5379 -28.4347 -28.1727 -31.6614 -29.4493 -30.4832 -30.0855 -31.9214 -29.4594 -32.7221 -30.9628 -29.3129 -29.9808 -23.2623 -29.7403 -30.5717 -29.8256 -29.8165 -28.8883 -29.0316 -30.9919
% columns 2 and 3 are shorter, so i ignore NaN values
avg_data = mean(data,1,'omitnan')
avg_data = 1×3
-30.1883 -29.3129 -29.7215
std_data = std(data,0,1,'omitnan')
std_data = 1×3
1.3162 1.9987 0.8482
x = 1:size(data,2);
fill([x, flip(x)], [avg_data+std_data, flip(avg_data-std_data)], [0.8 0.8 0.8])
hold on
plot(x, avg_data, 'k')
  2 commentaires
Vilém Frynta
Vilém Frynta le 14 Mar 2023
thank you!
Voss le 14 Mar 2023
You're welcome!

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