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Starting a Vehicle Recognition Code?

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Dalton Bonn
Dalton Bonn le 5 Avr 2023
Commenté : Sachin le 22 Avr 2023
I'm trying to write a code that recognizes semi trucks from a picture, I was thinking maybe using shape recognition and possibly color recognition, I'm just not sure how to get started or if thats the right way to go about it. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  2 commentaires
Abolfazl Chaman Motlagh
Abolfazl Chaman Motlagh le 6 Avr 2023
Do you have a dataset? Have think about using machine learning approaches? e.g. CNNs
Dalton Bonn
Dalton Bonn le 6 Avr 2023
I don't have a data set, its for a class I'm taking so I really don't know how to use machine learnig or any of that

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Réponses (1)

Sachin le 10 Avr 2023
Modifié(e) : Sachin le 10 Avr 2023
Here are some steps that you could take to get started.
  1. Collecting a dataset of images containing semi-truck. You can use existing datasets or create your own by taking pictures of semi-trucks in various environment conditions.
  2. Pre-process the images to enhance features by techniques such as Filtering, Thresholding, Augmentation etc.
  3. Extract the feature from the images using techniques such as Edge Detection etc. These features can be used to train a machine learning model to recognize semi-trucks.
  4. Train a machine learning model such as support vector machine (SVM) or a CNN model using extracted features and the labelled images from your dataset.
  5. Test the trained model on a separate set of images to evaluate the performances of the model.
  6. Refine the model by tweaking the parameters until you are satisfied with its performance.
Some references that might be helpful to you:
  2 commentaires
Dalton Bonn
Dalton Bonn le 18 Avr 2023
I'm having this error when I try to train the deep learning what does that mean?
Sachin le 22 Avr 2023
Please refer this page to resolve the error

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