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Retrieving data from MATLAB web app

8 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Thomas le 6 Avr 2023
Réponse apportée : Sachin le 13 Avr 2023
I've created a MATLAB web app, running on the development version of the Web App Server, that is essentially a series of odd-one-out tests. At the end of the tests, I would like to retrieve the choices made (an array containing 0's and 1's) by the user.
With the exception of printing data to the generated log file and retrieving the log file, which would be a last resort, are there any methodologies recommended to achieve this?
  1 commentaire
Thomas le 6 Avr 2023
The problems I had with regards to accessing certain output files/processes have been resolved through https://uk.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/438992-how-to-make-deployed-matlab-app-on-web-server-to-access-data-from-networked-drive?s_tid=answers_rc1-3_p3_Topic , but still interested in recommendations for data retrieval (if anybody has any).

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Sachin le 13 Avr 2023
I understand that you want to retrieve data from the MATLAB web app
A possible workaround that might help you:
You can create the HTML form inputs in your MATLAB Web App’s user interface to allow you to make choices via user inputs.
You can capture the user’s choices on the server side using MATLAB’s built-in web input functions, such as ‘input’ or ‘inputdlg’ and later retrieve the form data submitted by the user.
You can process the form data in your MATLAB code and store it in database for further analysis.
Please refer to the following documentation for more information on MATLAB database:

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