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Effacer les filtres

I have a problem regarding an Index because it exceeds array bounds.

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Daniela Vallejo
Daniela Vallejo le 19 Avr 2023
Modifié(e) : Cris LaPierre le 19 Avr 2023
I have the following lines of code in a funtion EnergyCurves:
for i=2:size(p1,1)
The size of p1 is 600001 x 37
The size of X is 600001 x 37
and when I am running the following lines of code calling that function, I obtaing the following error
Xsc=load('dispsc.mat'); % Load the file as a structure array
% Convertir la estructura de celdas 'X' en un arreglo de celdas en MATLAB
% Convertir la estructura de celdas 'Xpri' en un arreglo de celdas en MATLAB
% Utiliza la función '{:}' para acceder al contenido de cada celda en el arreglo 'X' y 'Xpri' y concatenarlos en un solo arreglo
[Eisc, Essc, Edsc, Eksc] = EnergyCurves(M,C,K,z, Mt, pisos, Xsc, Xprisc,E)
Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds. Index must not exceed 37.
Error in EnergyCurves (line 32)
Error in GraficasEnergiaViento (line 57)
[Eisc, Essc, Edsc, Eksc] = EnergyCurves(M,C,K,z, Mt, pisos, Xsc, Xprisc,E)

Réponses (2)

Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre le 19 Avr 2023
Modifié(e) : Cris LaPierre le 19 Avr 2023
I suspect X is not the size you think it is. Since your error is saying that the max number of rows is 37, it appears that perhaps X has been transposed? However, it is impossible for us to know, as the code that creates X is inside your function, and you haven't shared that code with us.

dpb le 19 Avr 2023
Déplacé(e) : dpb le 19 Avr 2023
It would appear that the X array is 37xN instead of Nx37...
BTW, you don't need a loop to compute the difference; diff() is vectorized
instead, if you want to treat X as long-way vertical instead; transpose it first before doing the difference.
does the same thing except takes the first difference along the second dimension (between columns) and then transposes the result to again be longer than wide.
There's no advantage in using a cell array here, either, just keep with the native double array.
To prove is the correct interpretation/assumption, show us what
returns; that's the piece of information we're missing that is crucial


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