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How to design filter order for high-pass butterworth filter

59 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Emily Keys
Emily Keys le 2 Mai 2023
Commenté : Star Strider le 6 Mai 2023
I'm new to using filters and was wondering how to choose a filter order. I am currently using a 3rd order and have got the results as below I have seen places that say you can work it out if you have passband edge frequency, stopband edge frequency, passband ripple in dB and stopband attenuation, however I dont understand how you find these for my data. My data set is too large to upload but it is a dynamic movement that looks like as below:
Any help would be appreciated. I have attached my script below if this helps make sense of it.
[Filename,Pathname] = uigetfile('Test 1.txt');
formatspec= '%f %f';
Time2 = C2{1};
Voltage2 = C2{2};
Acceleration2 = (C2{2}/1.995);
Acceleration2 = Acceleration2*9.810;
%define the scanning frequency (Hz) that was used to record the signal
scanfreq= 2048;
fc= 0.2; %Cut-off Frequency
fs= scanfreq; %sampling Frequency
n_order = 3; %Filter Order
%Ts= delta; %Sampling period
Wn= fc/(fs/2); %Threshold Frequency
%Wn = 0.5;
[b,a] = butter(n_order,Wn,'high');
%test 1 filtering
Accf1 = detrend(Acceleration1);
Accf1 = filtfilt(b,a,Accf1); %zero-phase digital filtering
Velocity1= cumtrapz(Time1,Accf1); %corrected acceleration Integrated
Displacement1 = cumtrapz(Time1,Velocity1); %Velocity Integrated
[b2,a2] = butter(n_order,Wn,'high');
Velf1=filtfilt(b2,a2,Velocity1); %Filtered Velcoity
DCorrect1= cumtrapz(Time1,Velf1); %Corrected Displacement
DCorrect1= DCorrect1*10^3;

Réponse acceptée

Star Strider
Star Strider le 2 Mai 2023
To determine the optimal order, use the buttord function.
Wp= fc/(fs/2); %Threshold Frequency
Ws = 0.95*Wp;
Rp = 1;
Rs = 60;
[n,Wn] = buttord(Wp,Ws,Rp,Rs);
[z,p,k] = butter(n,Wn,'high')
[sos,g] = zp2sos(z,p,k);
freqz(sos, 2^16, fs)
Velf1=filtfilt(sos,g,Velocity1); %Filtered Velcoity
A transfer function realization can result in an unstable filter. Use a second-order-section representation to avoid that problem.
I would design a bandpass filter for this, because highpass filters tend to select for noise. Having an upper passband lmit can reduce the noise.
  14 commentaires
Emily Keys
Emily Keys le 6 Mai 2023
Hi sorry, It was essentially the same issue where the acceleration data when double integrated to get displacement (as seen in the graph as the orange and purple lines) does not have a straight line before and after the dip that is the change in displacement. The pre and post shoulder (the time before and after the displacement dip can be seen) should essentially be 0 as there was no movement (as seen in the green line, the 'accurate' LVDT data which is used comparatively). It was a different experiment where the max displcament was 3mm instead of 24mm but the data seems to be a lot more skewed than it was for the data it was for the previous with the displacements having a lot of error. No worries if theres nothing that can be done and that is as accurate it can get. Thanks again.
Star Strider
Star Strider le 6 Mai 2023
That definitely helps.
I worked on this for a while. Since the ‘steady state’ regions before and after tha active displacements are not zero (the means of those regions are offset from zero, and integrating those values produces errors in the integration results), so I experimented with setting the beginning and end ‘steady state’ regions before and after the first integrations absolutely to zero. That helps, however it still does not reproduce the LVDT displacement data, although it gets close.
% clc
% clear
JA = readmatrix('Acc.txt');
% JA = JA-0.0154134; %takes it to zero
JA = JA-mean(JA);
JA = detrend(JA);
tA = readmatrix('time.txt');
LVDT = readmatrix('LDVT.txt');
tL = readmatrix('t.txt');
Kistler = readmatrix('AccKis.txt');
% Kistler = Kistler - 0.992151425253108; %takes it to zero
Kistler = Kistler - mean(Kistler);
Kistler = detrend(Kistler);
L = numel(tA);
Fs = 2048;
%JA = detrend(JA);
JA1 = cumtrapz(tA,JA);
JA2 = cumtrapz(tA,JA1);
hold on
hold off
Fn = Fs/2;
NFFT = 2^nextpow2(L);
FTJA = fft(JA.*hann(L), NFFT)/L;
%FTKistler = fft(Kistler.*hann(L), NFFT)/L;
Fv = linspace(0, 1, NFFT/2+1)*Fn;
Iv = 1:numel(Fv);
% subplot(3,1,1)
plot(Fv, abs(FTJA(Iv))*2)
title('Fourier transform showing frequency content of JA Accelerometer')
xlabel('frequency (Hz)'); ylabel('Power Spectral Density')
hold off
JAsgf = sgolayfilt(JA, 3, 51);
Kistlersgf = sgolayfilt(Kistler, 3, 51);
hold on;
plot(tA, JAsgf)
plot(tA, Kistlersgf)
title('JA SG Filtered')
hold off;
FTJAsgf = fft(JAsgf.*hann(L), NFFT)/L;
FTKistlersgf = fft(Kistlersgf.*hann(L), NFFT)/L;
hold on;
plot(Fv, abs(FTJAsgf(Iv))*2)
plot(Fv, abs(FTKistlersgf(Iv))*2)
xlim([0 800])
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
title('JA SG Filtered')
PassbandFreq = 12.5;
xline(PassbandFreq, '-r', 'Filter Passband Frequency')
hold off;
xlim([0 150])
[JAlpf, DF] = lowpass(JAsgf, PassbandFreq, Fs, 'ImpulseResponse','iir'); % 20Hz Passband (Elliptic Filter)
[Kistlerlpf, DFK] = lowpass(Kistlersgf, PassbandFreq, Fs, 'ImpulseResponse','iir');
% DF
hold on;
plot(tA, JAlpf, 'DisplayName','JA')
plot(tA, Kistlerlpf, 'DisplayName','Kistler')
title('JA SG & Lowpass Filtered')
hold off
% ylim([-1 1]*0.001)
JAidx(1) = find(JAlpf > 0.3E-3, 1,'first');
JAidx(2) = find(flip(JAlpf) > 0.3E-3, 1,'first');
Kistleridx(1) = find(Kistlerlpf > 0.5E-3,1,'first');
Kistleridx(2) = find(flip(Kistlerlpf) > 0.5E-3,1,'first');
JAlpf(1:JAidx(1)) = 0;
JAlpf(JAidx(2):end) = 0;
Kistlerlpf(1:Kistleridx(1)) = 0;
Kistlerlpf(Kistleridx(2):end) = 0;
JAlpf = JAlpf*10^4; %to scale
Kistlerlpf = Kistlerlpf*10^4;
hold on;
plot(tA(JAidx(1):JAidx(2)), JAlpf(JAidx(1):JAidx(2)), 'DisplayName','JA')
% plot(tA([JAidx(1) JAidx(2)]), JAlpf([JAidx(1) JAidx(2)]), '+r')
plot(tA(Kistleridx(1) : Kistleridx(2)), Kistlerlpf(Kistleridx(1) : Kistleridx(2)), 'DisplayName','Kistler')
% plot(tA([Kistleridx(1) Kistleridx(2)]), Kistlerlpf([Kistleridx(1) Kistleridx(2)]),'xr', 'DisplayName','Kistler')
title('JA SG & Lowpass Filtered')
hold off
JV = cumtrapz(tA, JAlpf); % Integrate To Get Velocity
KistlerV = cumtrapz(tA, Kistlerlpf); % Integrate To Get Velocity
JV(1:JAidx(1)) = 0;
JV(JAidx(2):end) = 0;
KistlerV(1:Kistleridx(1)) = 0;
KistlerV(Kistleridx(2):end) = 0;
JD = cumtrapz(tA, JV); % Integrate To Get Displacement
KistlerD = cumtrapz(tA, KistlerV); % Integrate To Get Displacement
hold on;
plot(tA, [JV JD])
plot(tA, [KistlerV KistlerD])
title('JA SG & Lowpass Filtered Integrated')
hold off;
ylim([-1 1]*20)
The filters are aboput as effective as they can be, so adjusting their parameters won’t make much difference. I’m not certain what else to suggest at this point.

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