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How to Double integrate cell of array containing cell of array?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Richard Johnson
Richard Johnson le 3 Mai 2023
Modifié(e) : Torsten le 3 Mai 2023
I have been trying to double integrate a cell of array containing cell of array/objects. However i am not able to get the required result and convert the result inot a matrix of same order (nxn). The screenshot of the same has been attached for reference.
Info regarding the Variables used in code as you in the screenshot attached:-
W{i,j} = 25 x 25 cell, where each cell contains the functions of variable "theta and phi".
Objective is to double integrate the W cell with respect to theta and phi within the limits of zero to pi/2 & zero to 2*pi respectively.
then, followed by converting the result into a matrix of 25x25 order, post compltion of the integration.
Request if someone may please show some guidance for the afpre mentioned problem.
Thanks in advance

Réponses (1)

Torsten le 3 Mai 2023
Modifié(e) : Torsten le 3 Mai 2023
Works. If your problem is more complicated, you will have to include the code as plain text (no graphics) in order to see where you get problems.
W = cell(2,2);
W{1,1} = @(theta,phi) sin(theta);
W{1,2} = W{1,1};
W{2,1} = W{1,1};
W{2,2} = W{1,1};
Wnum(1,1) = integral2(W{1,1},0,pi/2,0,2*pi)
Wnum = 6.2832


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