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How can I give legend to a plot as a series?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
kanyvt le 8 Avr 2015
Commenté : Kelly Kearney le 9 Avr 2015
Suppose I have multiple graphs on a plot for a parameter varying from -4 to 0.25 with difference of 0.25 between adjacent values (which is about 18 in number)? Can I say like legend y. where y is a variable varying from -4 to 0.25?

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Kelly Kearney
Kelly Kearney le 8 Avr 2015
Example data:
x = 1:10;
h = plot(x, x'*p)
Create legend:
legend(h, cellstr(num2str(p', '%.2f')));
  3 commentaires
kanyvt le 9 Avr 2015
Could you please tell me what is p here?
Kelly Kearney
Kelly Kearney le 9 Avr 2015
Sorry, p was the parameter:
p = -4.0:0.25:0.25;

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