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How to use "m_quiver"

8 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
민준 배
민준 배 le 29 Mai 2023
Réponse apportée : Sachin le 5 Juin 2023
I drew a picture using "m_contourf" and "m_quiver", but the arrow in m_quiver is too small to identify. Is there a way to solve it? I hope we can make it bigger and more visible.

Réponses (1)

Sachin le 5 Juin 2023
I understand that you want to make bigger arrow in the quiver plot.
You can use “scale” parameter of “quiver” function . By using scale you can adjust the length of arrows .
For more information about scale in “quiver” function refer the following MATLAB documentation :


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